

Postby dzienny » 25 Jan 2011, 18:14
- new pluging: keyboard shortcuts - you can set key bindings for players that use CPE supporting clients e.g. ClassiCube, unfortunately ClassiCube doesn't support this feature yet,
- change: the following commands were removed: /team, /ctf - they didn't work anyway,
- change: CC heartbeat includes the software field,
- fix: chat filter toggle buttons (remove bad words, remove caps, etc.) behave as expected.
- fix: custom command / plugin compiler.
- feature: new remote console.
- fix: custom commands compile again,
- fix: custom messages disappear as expected.
- improved CpeApi,
- fix: SQLite works for Mono,
- fix: /levels works from the console,
- fix: color codes are removed for IRC.
- feature: new API for sending custom messages - CpeApi.V1 (it's not the same as Cpe.V1),
- change: various visual changes,
- fix: Player.MapChanged event.
- feature: more custom messages for zombie mode. They can be disabled in Properties->General->Misc3->ClassiCube->ExperimentalMessages.
- feature: API for Message Type that allows displaying messages in various places on the ClassiCube user screen,
- feature: command '/players cpe' shows a list of players that support CPE compliant client,
- change: experimental: map voting information for the CPE clients is shown in the top right corner.
- new block: op_lava block type was introduced in the place of the removed op_brick block,
- feature: Player.MapChanged event,
- feature: you can reference external dlls in the source file. In order to reference an external assembly you have to:
1) place the assembly (dll) in the server folder,
2) in the first line of the source code make a comment that will include the text "References:" and a list of assemblyfile names enclosed in a double quotation mark. Example: '// References: "HtmlAgilityPack.dll", "irc.dll"'
- change: count down message was reformatted. It's now displayed as "Round starts in X" and "Round ends in X". The text is defined in the "messages/messages.txt" file. You have to manually add these two lines to the file:
InfectionRoundStartsIn = "Round starts in %c{0}"
InfectionRoundEndsIn = "Round ends in %c{0}"
And then you can change the content if needed. Also, the default 'InfectionVirusWillBeReleased = "%cVirus will be released in:"' was changed to 'InfectionVirusWillBeReleased = "%cGet ready!"';
- fix: the experience bar that is displayed on /look (/whois) didn't reset to 0 on level-up, it now correctly shows progress counting from the current level to the next level,
- other small fixes.
P.S. The newest ClassiCube client update introduces +r -r options that can be placed in the MOTD to enable/disable respawning. It can be used along with -hax and other xWOM options.
- fix: naming of the CPE API methods, they reflect the packets names now.
- feature: API for Classic Extension Protocol that includes: ClickDistance, HeldBlock, TextHotKey, ExtPlayerList, EnvColors, SelectionCuboid, BlockPermissions, ChangeModel, EnvMapAppearance, EnvWeatherType,
- fix: name ban for CC accounts,
- fix: some commands sent incompatible blocks to non-cpe clients,
- fix: color code bug that could crash non-cpe clients,
- fix: full compatibility with CC account verficiation.
- new command: /setzombie time [minutes] - sets the remaining time of the current round,
- change: on winner announcement humans are ordered by their win streak,
- change: /look, /mapinfo appearance,
- change: op blocks can't be modified during the zombie round,
- change: water is loaded as op_water for zombie maps,
- fix: y-axis spawning position adjustment to prevent block clipping.
- fix: being outside the bounds of a map is not recognized as block glitching.
- change: setting HacksOnInfectionMapPermission was restored and its default value equals 150 (ie Nobody), it means that if hacks detection is turned on every player that is not a referee will be checked for hacks use; you can change this in Properties->Zombie->HacksOnInfectionMapPermission.
- change: check for hacking is not performed only if a player is a referee,
- fix: kill count and minutes survived were swapped,
- fix: zombies not being spawned on server joining.
- fix: block glitch check malfuncion in case of stair and cobble_slab.
- feature: block glitch prevention,
- change: messages style/format adjustments for the zombie mode,
- change: some settings default values were changed,
- fix: doors work on no-build zombie maps.
- fix: heartbeat is sent to https instead of http address.
- change: /setmodel sets model instantly, available models: chicken, creeper, croc, sheep, spider, pig, zombie; they work only with ClassiCube client.
- fix: MySQL query syntax.
- fix: MySQL query syntax.
- fix: GUI checkbox "verify names".
- new: reapearing message that tells players to switch to; is going down soon, so players should switch to as soon as possible,
- new command: /setmodel [player] [model], sets players model; the model is visible only in client, currently only "zombie" model works,
- feature: player's model can be set for the clients that support CPE for example ClassiCube,
- change: chat or command input in GUI doesn't make a "ding" sound,
- change: verify-names was renamed to verify-names-security, there are also additional warnings when someone wants to turn this important feature off,
- fix: players being spawned underground on a map change.
- fix: zombie mode.
- feature: zombies for ClassiCube client players look better,
- fix: /aka works for refs.
- feature: added support for ClassiCube new client and authentication service, check to test a new client (tip: always remember to use different passwords for different services and accounts),
- feature: 16 new blocks: cobble_slab, rope, sandstone, snow, fire, light_pink, forest_green, brown, navy, turquoise, ice, ceramic_tile, lava_obsidian, pillar, crate, stone_brick. These blocks are properly displayed in the new ClassiCube client, for the classic client these blocks are converted to the closest visual match (e.g. ice->glass),
- feature: new settings in Properties->Misc3->ClassiCube,
- fix: /home command,
- fix: /inbox,
- fix: /deletelvl.
- fix: /home kick.
- fix: memory leak related to /megaboid command.
- fix: "Recursive read lock acquisitions not allowed in this mode." error.
- fix: spawn.
- change: optimized synchronization.
- fix: "someone logged in as you" caused an error.
- fix: /say works from console again.
- fix: spawn bug,
- fix: waterup acts like expected (it doesn't destroy blocks anymore).
- fix: zombie selection doesn't cause a crash.
- new block: waterup - acts in the same way as lavaup,
- feature: command /setzombie was extended, /setzombie zombie [player] - selects a player that will start the infection,
- feature: you can set the next map vote duration in Properties->Zombie->Extended->MapVoteDurationSeconds
- change: countdown in zombie mode was adjusted, it shows now 20,10,5,4...
- fix: /me [message] can't be used if a player is temp muted,
- fix: /say can't be used if a player is muted.
- new plugin: import from dat, lets you easily import maps that are saved in dat format,
- fix: spawn on map change,
- fix: /vote can be used from a console.
- fix: spawn on map change for zombie mode.
- fix: memory leak caused by antigrief system,
- fix: memory leak caused by the /megaboid command,
- fix: /follow command,
- fix: afk timer,
- fix: antigrief based on level,
- other minor fixes.
Last edited by dzienny on 18 Jul 2014, 20:22, edited 19 times in total.
Reason: Update
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Joined: 23 Jan 2011, 14:27

Changelog: Part 2

Postby Ultima » 13 Feb 2013, 19:27
- feature: a gui plugin manager was added, but it's not finished yet,
- feature: infection time is displayed when the /me command is used,
- change: map changing should be quicker, maps are sent simultanously to up to 4 people in zombie mode,
- change: the command /textures was removed,
- fix: chat filter can't be fooled by color codes,
- fix: main tab layout saves correctly,
- fix: /newlevel can't be created if a level with the specified name already exists,
- fix: undo buffer memory leakage.
- feature: /mymap setspawn,
- feature: API: Player.players.ForEachSync(Action); it works as ForEach it's just better because it guarantees that each player will be iterated; it's recommended to use it,
- feature: you can disallow the /afk use during the map vote,
- feature: /goto owner/map - also works for unloaded mymaps,
- change: /mapinfo displays the map owner if used on a mymap,
- change: ops can talk during the map vote,
- fix: players get spawned correctly on map change,
- fix: %s color code works as intended,
- fix: a notification message is displayed when a player visits a mymap using /mm v [map],
- fix: players can get infected, even if they visited other map earlier,
- fix: email domains are now hidden in a mymaps allowed list,
- fix: typo in wom kick message.
- feature: Properties->General->Misc3->Extra->KickWomUsers - asks WoM users to use XWoM instead and kicks them,
- feature: new event: Player.ChatOther += (object sender, ChatOtherEventArgs e) => {};
- fix: /mymap kick - works as intended,
- fix: no more hollow skins/ghosts in zombie mode.
- change: zombie detection algorithm was changed back to what it was, to make it easier for players with a significant connection latency,
- change: mymaps directory structure was changed, you have to use the command /fixmymaps that will convert the old mymaps directory structure to a new one!
- fix: /mymap endless loop,
- fix: /draw cone,
- fix: ghost message on mymaps,
- fix: other minor bugs.
- change: /mymap visit lets you use short forms of map and owner, for example if there's a map notch/mymap loaded then a player can write /mm v no/my and be sent to the map, assuming there's no other map of similar owner and map name,
- fix: /mymap allow.
- quick fix: command /mymap works with capitalized names.
- fix: command /mymap and file parsing.
- fix: command /mymap map sizes detection.
- fix: command /make works from console,
- fix: maps get auto-unloaded if set so.
- feature: command /stars displays two new list: top 10 humans and top 10 zombies, /stars top humans and /stars top zombies,
- feature: Player.Joined and Player.Disconnected events,
- feature: API features that are described on the forum in the Custom Commands->Knowledge Base section,
- change: heartbeat sends a server uptime, the server list will display it in some time.
- fix: ranks being renamed to default,
- fix: command /look.
- new command: /mymap - allows players to create their own maps the way they like them to be; you have to set the map number limits in Properties->Ranks for each rank and map size; generally it's a way more advanced /home,
- change: command /review was improved, the mechanics and visual style was improved and it reminds Ops that there are players waiting for a review,
- change: command /megaboid supports random, holes and wire cuboid types,
- change: zombie touching human detection is more accurate,
- fix: commands /triangle and /quad can be used by multiple users simultanously,
- fix: command /draw checks if a player is allowed to place a given block,
- other fixes.
- feature: /stats command was recoded; the command now saves the output to files in 'statistics' directory in html format; also, option for generating winratio was added; new syntax /stats maprating and /stats winratio,
- change: /players command: the "/ref" suffix is added to a player name if he is a referee, also a referee is displayed in the list for everyone even if hidden,
- fix: /make - checks the permission level of an executor, and disallows a use of commands higher than the executors' permission level,
- other small fixes.
- feature: /mapinfo in zombie mode shows the set round time,
- change: /setzombie map [map] - sets a next map.
- feature: all zombie rounds are saved into a database, the `ZombieRounds` table includes the following columns: DateTime, MapName, RoundTime, BuildingAllowed, PillaringAllowed, Duration, PlayersCountOnStart, PlayersCountOnEnd, WhoWon, WinnersCount,
- feature: /mapinfo displays the number of rounds that were played on the map,
- feature: /mapinfo also shows the human/zombie win ration,
- fix: /setrank does not allow to set a player rank to a permission higher than 119 to prevent unexpected behaviour,
- fix: duplicate command names handling.
- new block: /door_adminium, it can be used with an air_switch for making traps or other things,
- feature: map rating bar,
- change: /players command was rewritten to make it more readable,
- change: some announcements in zombie mode were polished, e.g.: best zombies, map voting. Now, they should be more visible and generally more clear,
- fix: /clones,
- fix: Blockchange error.
- feature: allow-builing attribute was added to the 'Map' element in 'infection/maps.txt'. You can set it to true if the map is not meant to be built on. The exemplary map that uses this feature is 'quickie' and can be download from 'zombie maps' forum section,
- feature: the command /stars was extended, you can use '/stars top' to see the best players,
- fix: /color command.
- change: database structure was optimized, it should work faster for the servers that have a lot of users registered,
- fix: if backup location does not exist, it's switched to the default.
- fix: bug related to zombie stars.
- fix: bug that prevented the map voting in zombie mode.
- new command: /stars - displays your stars count, also can be used to check someone's else stars by /stars [player],
- feature: winning streak indiciation - stars for humans: bronze, silver, gold, and a rotten star for the very best zombie(s),
- change: database security improved,
- fix: megaboid respects restrictions.
- feature: %s is replaced with the server default color,
- feature: if you are a zombie /me shows who infected you,
- feature: new setting was added to Properties->General->Misc3->Extra->DeathCooldown. This setting defines how many seconds have to pass before a player can die again. It affects deaths caused by blocks e.g. lava, shark,
- change: if player joins in a middle of a round the infection message is displayed only to them,
- change: anti-pillaring prevents lag-pillaring,
- fix: /time help info for zombie mode,
- fix: teleport, deathblocks, /summon etc. bypass anti-hack protection,
- manual change required: messages/messages.txt was edited, infection time left message was changed to: InfectionTimeLeft = "%7Time left: %e{0}:{1}"
- feature: if there's any error in the command/plugin that is compiled with /compile, the error will be displayed in pop-up window,
- change: /compile can now compile more complex custom commands,
- fix: undo,
- fix: updater.
- fix: memory leak for SQLite,
- change: objects monitor was replaced with players' packets monitor, as it was no longer needed.
- new: 'objects in memory' monitor on Info->System tab.
- fix: memory leak,
- fix: loading of portals and message blocks.
- change: better error handling.

- feature: cutting edge anti pillar system, recommended for jumping, running and parkour maps. These kind of maps should also prevent players from builing blocks in general (by using op_air or zone),
- feature: zombie mode: you can set countdown and round time for each map in maps.txt, also you can set pillaring prevention on per map basis,
- feature: commands spam prevention (can be set in commands tab),
- feature: commands list includes "Shortcut" field that let's you see if a command has a shortcut,
- change: on zombie or lava maps you can use /t as a shortcut for /time. On other maps like freebuild and home it still stands for /static,
- change: ops are informed when a player joins the review queue,
- change: vip list moved to misc2 tab,
- change: general rearrangments in gui,
- fix: SQLite exception,
- fix: /m command repeating itself,
- fix: memory leak in /like /dislike /maprating and /topten,
- fix: you can use special characters like * for bad words list,
- fix: another bug that could potentially cause a loss of player's stats (hopefully the last one),
- fix: developer messages: if message was longer than 255 it caused an exception,
===== MANUAL BUG FIX =====
- bug: this bug has to be fixed manually by server owners, the stock maps should have op_water and op_lava instead of water and lava. To fix this do '/ra water op_water' and '/ra lava op_lava' and update the map. It's important especially if there are elevators, because they are not meant to be destroyed. Making water op_water etc. will prevent players from breaking it. Also, if you want to prevent players from building additional blocks on a map you can replace air with op_air. Command: '/ra air op_air'.
- change: SQLite database manager was replaced. A new one works over 100 times faster,
- change: at high detection level chat filter doesn't omit spaces anymore,
- fix: /8ball displayed the email domain,
- fix: the email domain being displayed in case of home maps,
- fix: skins that happened to be sometimes left after player disconnected,
- fix: MySQL syntax for emails with "-" char.
- fix: NullReferenceException.
- new command: /setzombie map [map name] - changes the current map to [map name],
/setzombie reloadmaps - reloads the zombie maps list,
- new block: /still_sand - same as sand, it just doesn't fall even if the physic is on,
- feature: bad words filter, caps filter, spam filter,
- change: command /me if used with no arguments in zombie mode will display if the player is a zombie or a human,
- change: spleef prevention can be turned off for ops+,
- change: wom direct heartbeat removed. Wom direct list doesn't work anymore,
- fix: double listing of a player (aka: afk bug fix),
- fix: /buy life should work in freebuild/lava mode correctly,
- fix: server accepts e-mails containing "-" character,
- other minor fixes.
- change: in zombie mode: the color of names doesn't change to red (in chat) anymore,
- fix: /home new - now purges the '/about' data from a database and spawns the owner correctly.
- fix: block changes were not saved in case of some build commands.
- new command: /highfive [player] - high fives the [player] (shortcut: /high5),
- new command: /facepalm - facepalms ;), also /facepalm [player],
- new command: /poke [player] - pokes the [player],
- new command: /draw cone [radius] [height] <block> - draws a hollow cone,
- feature: Command Blocks: a new attribute was added to <Command> element in <CommandBlock> that is named "asConsole" and defines whether the command is triggered from console or by player. Valid values are "true" and "false". By default it is set to "false",
- feature: Command Blocks: a text variable {name} was added. It is changed to the name of the player that triggered the command,
- improvement: /clearchat lowest permission is set to Banned by default (it should be changed manually by the server owner).
/clearchat - clears only the chat of the player that triggered the command,
/cc all - clears chat for all players (requires OP+),
/cc [player] - clears the chat for the [player] (requires OP+),
- improvement: /hide s - makes you (in)visible without displaying the disconnected/joined message,
- change: /refree - it additionally hides the refree,
- removed: /rankup - it didn't work anyway,
- fix: /impersonate,
- fix: /smog_bomb,
- fix: command blocks arguments.
- fix: /imageprint,
- fix: player's skin were sometimes detached from player,
- fix: hopefully afk related bug,
- fix: /restart and /shutdown should not allow new players to join the game during the countdown,
- fix: tools window opens every time.
- new pillar type: 2 - builds pillars every third block,
- fix: draw pillar,
- fix: /zone del - works properly for SQLite now,
- fix: in zombie mode players shouldn't be left underground when spawned.
- new command /draw pillars - it's for building zombie maps. You can use "/draw pillars 1 adminium air" to build hops instead of pillars.
- feature: optional spleef prevention for lava mode,
- change: '/zone show' option is displayed in zone help,
- fix: in some places email domain was displayed. It should be hidden to provide players more security,
- fix: /zone delete,
- fix: dying and spawning bug,
- fix: round time is saved and loaded correctly,
- fix: default zombie's name color is red again,
- fix: heaven can be set from the properties panel,
- fix: afk (null pointer exception) hopefully,
- fix: /look,
- fix: /home new [theme],
- fix: stats loss shouldn't happen anymore (or be less often?).
- new command: /aka,
- feature: referees' names are preceded by [REF] tag,
- change: emails domains are hidden in case of Mojang accounts,
- change: in case of zombie win only best zombies are enlisted,
- fix: /perbuild and /pervisit,
- fix: /like and /dislike work for the long logins,
- fix: store disinfection item should work, but you are required to delete 'scripts' folder and then start the server. The server will automatically recreate the folder, but this time with the updated version of the store code.
- fix: MySQL supports the Mojang accounts now,
- fix: debug message "error bytesLength" removed,
- fix: quick local connection is allowed by default.
- fix: news feed.
- feature: new accounts and accounts after migration can be used to join the server,
- fix: [important] color codes can no longer cause the Java client crash,
- other minor fixes.
- feature: levelsystem.txt was added to Zombie,
- feature: anti-pillaring system was added to Zombie,
- feature: anti-spleef system was added to Zombie,
- feature: new block /dirt_bomb,
- change: /look displays more info in Zombie mode,
- change: in experience reward,
- fix: %c_Zombie_ tag,
- fix: money reward.
- feature: Players are rewarded with money and experience on Zombie mode,
- feature: /store and /buy should work on Zombie, you can edit store by editing 'scripts\ZombieStoreItems.cs'file that contains C# code. This file is auto compiled and loaded on the server start. It means you don't have to compile, just edit the file. But you can code and compile in Visual Studio if you want to, but then you have to turn off auto-compile feature and replace manually the file in 'scripts\dll\ZombieStoreItems.dll',
- feature: /time command displays time left to the end of Zombie round if it is triggered from a zombie map,
- feature: new zombie maps were added,
- change: color chat doesn't display time of the message in order to make it nicer to read,
- change: infection settings: broken necks are On by default (mainly due to skins not being displayed), also the default zombie name was changed from "zombie" to "__Z0MBI3__",
- fix: [referee] tag misspell,
- fix: respawn prevention system. It's now impossible to get out of the map or through the blocks using R (respawn),
- fix: treasure block glitching.
- feature: developer messages were introduced. They will be published if there will be an update or some other significant news. The messages when published will be sent to staff inbox in game. And can be read by using /inbox command. In settings it can be set the minimum required permission level to receive such message. It's set to OP by default. This feature will hopefuly enhance the communication and provide you with latest information about crucial bug fixes,
- feature: /home back - command extension. It lets player to get back to the main map (lava/zombie/freebuild) without using /goto.
- feature: Home maps MOTD includes +hax tag. It means that player that use XWOM can use hacks on their home map, even if they can't use maps on lava/zombie map.
- fix: MySQL syntax, that caused problem with data saving,
- fix: treasure can't be undone,
- fix: OP permission to use hacks is no longer checked based on adminimum block permission. It is now set to 80.
- fix: heartbeat,
- other fixes and changes (not all complete).
Spoiler: RC
- new command /referee,
- feature: anti respawn system, the sensitivity of this hack detection system can be set in settings,
- feature: names of humans are displayed if the amount of humans left is less or equal to 3,
- feature: 'humans left', 'encourage messages' were added to custom messages so that they can be easily edited,
- change: if "messages/messages.txt" that contains custom messages doesn't include a definition for some text, then the default definition will be added to the last line,
- change: more types of infected messages, encourage messages,
- change: human win list is green now,
- change: zombies stays zombies till the end of voting,
- change: when the winners are zombies they are sorted according to the amount of kills, also if the amount is equal to 0 it's not displayed,
- change: walking through blocks warning appears when a player is in a block for around 20 seconds,
- change: when command /alive is used in zombie map it works as /humans,
- fix: flag for WOM that used to be incorectly set to "lava" for zombie mode,
- other minor changes/fixes. RC
- feature: zombie mode (beta)!
- feature: /home leave - new option for /home command that sends a player back to the main map, it works even if /goto is unavailable,
- new command: /stats - prints map ratings that are ordered from the highest rating to the lowest, stats look a bit nicer when copied to a notepad, mind this command is meant to be further improved and expanded,
- change: (gui)settings were redesigned and put in one place,
- change: /zoneshow command was embodied in /zone command as an option that is executed by /zone show phrase. It toggles showing/hiding zones outline, mind the outline is only visible to the command user,
- fix: color chat shouldn't cause random crashes, it is required to make a manual update for this to work! "exe" file has to be updated - mainly MCDzienny.exe. It's because updater isn't able to do it at the moment,
- fix: /pervisit, /perbuild exception messages,
- other minor changes.
- feature: you can define your own $constants. In order to do this edit 'chat_constant$.txt' file that is located in 'text' folder,
- feature: special system that lets one define a function that checks whether a player is registered on a webpage before allowing him to buy promotion. It can be turned in lava options, but don't turn it on unless you understand how it works! The documentation will/can be found on the MCDzienny webpage,
- feature: option to turn on name verification for those that connect from the local ip range,
- change: security improved.
- feature: protection for lava spawn added. Players can't place blocks too close to the lava spawn point. The feature is turned on by default. It can be turned off in options.
- change: /tempmute command affects /8ball, /afk, /vote, /votekick, /voteban commands in the same manner as /mute,
- change: /title command input is send via a chat filter,
- change: general stability improved,
- fix: /imageprint command shouldn't cause concurent file access error anymore,
- fix: /rules works again,
- fix: /write command checks for block permissions,
- fix: spelling mistakes,
- other minor fixes.
- fix: important security fix,
- other minor fix.
- change: [Player] lost a life and spawned.
- change: message send by commands /me, /8ball, /vote, /votekick, /voteban goes through the chat filter method,
- fix: lavaup block should subtract a life on touch,
- fix: commands /8ball, /vote, /votekick, /voteban can't be used by muted players,
- fix: /impersonate command,
- other minor fixes.
- fix: setting tile error.
- new command: /xundo [player] - undoes all player block changes,
- fix: setting tile error,
- fix: text scrolling in the main chat,
- fix: "map added", "level added" debugging messages were removed,
- change: tempmute shouldn't cause problems on computers with an unreliable clock.
- new command: /xundo [player] - undoes all player block changes,
- feature: player and maps list is send to remote console,
- change: log doesn't auto-scroll when the scroll thumb is not at the bottom position,
- change: salt is now generated once at the server start,
- fix: /jail works from console,
- fix: /newlvl generates maps correctly,
- fix: zone check,
- fix: /about command shows info again,
- fix: /vote command rare bug that caused chat spam,
- fix: blockchange error,
- fix: /make command.
- fix: memory leak that occured in a certain situation,
- fix: afk for good,
- fix: /whowas error and in the same time problem with ranks named: admin, op, super. These ranks shouldn't cause errors anymore,
- fix: web access unchecking used to cause a software crash, but only on the servers that hosted websites.
- fix: afk message spamming chat,
- fix: all types of blocks are checked for permission,
- fix: turning off web access doesn't cause crashes,
- fix: -totray starting argument works again(e.g. 'MCDzienny.exe -totray' will start the software in minimized mode).
- feature: remote console was added. You can add remote accounts in GUI or by using /remote command. Configuration can be set in GUI or by editing remote.settings file. Mind that you have to port forward both remote access port and http access port. Remote console can be found on remote.php,
- fix: status round time.
- fix: random crashes due to lack of synchronization in a gui element.
- fix: adding a new rank caused gui displaying problem,
- fix: /home kick command,
- fix: home map should unload on exit if empty,
- fix: remove owned blocks on disconnection algorithm was temporarily removed,
- fix: status bar doesn't display round times in freebuild mode anymore.
- fix: afk bug.
- feature: antigrief based on names protection added, can be set in Lava Settings -> Settings II,
- fix: naming of blocks,
- fix: /freeze for console,
- other bug fixes.

- fix: commands /rules and /freeze works for console,
- fix: afk double notification,
- fix: /players display bug that occured when command /voiced was used,
- fix: title bug - a color of name used to be changed by the color of a title,
- fix: all door blocks are required to be bought in /shop before the use(for lava mode),
- other minor fixes.

- feature: new command /ironman and /ironwoman,
- feature: status bar was added in gui mode, it displays server uptime and round times and server lag,
- other minor changes.

- change: wom heartbeat.

- change: verification method,
- fix: physics update error.

- change: verification method.

- fix: security flaw that concerned server salt generation/updating,
- fix: command /savelavamap should work correctly,
- fix: command /votekick, /voteban required amount of votes was capped at 10,
- fix: switches on server properties window are now binded to properties.

- fix: command /about - display,
- fix: command /home kick,
- change/fix: chat can be deactivated; and it should be if you encounter software crashes!

- fix: command /newlvl

- fix: color chat,
- fix: rank info not showing up when /help was used,
- fix: wom client login problems.

- fix: color chat concurrency related error,
- fix: splash screen transparency.

- new command /home - creates a home map for a player. You can define the size of home map in "Properties"->Misc3->HomeMapHeight,Depth,Width, by default it is 64x64x64
/home new - resets a home map,
/home new [theme] - resets a home map to the given [theme] - available: flat, mountains, island, desert, forest, pixel
/home kick [player] - kicks a player out of your home map to the main server map,
home maps are saved in "maps/home" directory,
- feature: GUI saves it's state and it's more customizable,
- feature: a tool was added that calculates RAM usage of a map of given dimensions,
- feature: a new type of physics - doors only, this type of physics allows only door animation,
- feature: total time played was added and it is displayed when "/look" or "/whowas" command is used by SuperOP+,
- feature: a splash screen on start,
- change: GUI players and maps lists on main tab were reworked, afk,map, and mapweight columns were added,
- change: custom messages are saved in "messages" folder, also the format changed and new entries were added,
- change: commands should be handled more efficiently,
- change: commands that were not meant to be used from console can't be executed from console anymore as they were marked appropriately,
- change: a current lava map can't be unloaded by accident anymore,
- change: database errors are passed to the calling method and handled there,
- fix: total experience and other stats that are saved in database will not reset anymore(level reset bug),
- fix: connection handling,
- fix: /triangle and /quad check player's block permission,
- fix: /goto "A map named lava doesn't exist.",
- fix: misc3 settings don't reset when clicked "save" or "apply",
- fix: treasure block,
- fix: numerous other bugs.

- fix: no more glitching, ever!
- feature: star system added(turned on by default),
- feature: port checking at start,
- change: there are only 6 best scores displayed at the end of the round and all players get a message with their own score,
- change: /look command look,
- change: fly hack detection is improved and active,
- fix: anti-hack system problems,
- fix: in CLI mode command and chat input works correctly,
- fix: /impersonate command,
- other, smaller changes.
- fix: physics for mono.

- improvement: afk command arguments are can be filtered,
- change: ops are not auto kicked when afk,
- fix: sqlite for mono,
- fix: location checker,
- other small changes.

- fix: mysql for mono, this time it has to work!,
- fix: error log that is displayed in error tab was limited in length in order to prevent memory leak.

- new command /textures - it toggles displaying custom textures,
- feature: you can set the maximum heigh of pillars. If player tries to place a block under himself and the pillar has already maximum height then he fails and gets notified. If you set a negative value(which is set by default) then the height of pillar is not limited. This limitation doesn't concern OP+.
- feature: clipping and out of map's bounds check that improved the anti-hack system,
- improvement: physics works more smoothly, the situation that sometimes took place that a house was instantly filled with lava due to a server lag shouldn't happen anymore, or at least it won't be so fast,
- change: anti-hack system is less watchful and it shouldn't kick players that don't use WOM anymore,
- fix: /alive - it works as it should now,
- fix: /like, /dislike - the cooldowns work properly,
- fix: mysql for Mono users,
* new file "MCDzienny.exe" that works the same as "MCDziennyLava.exe", in the future "MCDziennyLava.exe" will be removed in favor of "MCDzienny.exe".

- feature: you can override the method that pays reward to winners(for more info go to custom command->help in coding section),
- feature: you can set the amout of players, that when exceeded turns off death messages. Default value is 30 and it means if there is 30 or more people on the server, then when they die the death message doesn't spam the chat.
- feature: you can set the upper level in based on level antigrief system. The upper level is a level which when exceeded by some player excludes this player from antigrief monitoring. It means this player can freely modify other people blocks.
- change: heartbeat, hopefully it's more reliable now,
- change: the best score is now showed as the last,
- change: /alive command shows player names delimited by coma, instead of showing each name in a new line,
- change: map rating is now described in the amount of likes and dislikes instead of the thumbs up/down, also there is a short hint on how to rate the map below the rating that is showed at the beginning of each round,
- change: one of the method that was publicly exposed had its name changed from "LavaSystem.CountPlayerScore" to "LavaSystem.CountScoreDefault"!
- improvement: /shutdown command - there is 20 second countdown that can be stopped by using /shutdown command again, also it now shows kick-message "Server is offline" instead of "Restarted and rejoin",
- fix: system log no longer shows up in error log tab,
- fix: log system now creates a new log file when the next day comes,
- fix: motd saves and loads as it should.

- feature: ability to make use of wom custom textures, for example add to your MOTD and log in to your server using a WOM client to test it,
- feature: auto-kick of players that use flawed version of WOM in case of adding, for example: to MOTD,
- fix: VIP list user interface that used to act in an unpredictable manner,
- numerous small fixes.

- feature: settings are saved for mono users,
- improvement: heartbeat, should be more reliable,
- change: command logs are saved to separate files, the compiler.log was moved from logs/errors/ to logs/compiler/, also logs were moved from logs/ to logs/logs/.
- change: CLI mode is now started by executing MCDziennyCLI.exe, MCDziennyLava.exe supports only windows mode,
- fix: command /afk - works at it should,
- fix: when a player is hidden the death message isn't displayed.

- improvement: heartbeat,
- fix: game mode changing doesn't mess up the server,
- fix: it may have happened that a player died twice in a row within a seconds,
- fix: it wasn't possible to add custom score counting method.

- feature: the server can be started with "-totray" argument, this way on start the server instance will be hidden in system tray icon,
- feature: the part of code that is responsible for counting the final score was recoded and now you can override it with your own method via custom command,
- change: command /restart improved,
- fix: nasty memory leak,
- fix: heartbeat,
- fix: numerous other bugs.

7.3 RC
- new command /triangle - select three points to set the vertices of triangle,
- new command /quad - select four points to set the vertices of quad,
- new command /review - /review - to get on the review list, /review exit(leave) - to leave the review list, /review next - review the first player on the queue, /review list - shows all players on the list,
- new command /zoneshow - it shows zone,
- new command alias /wall - it executes '/line wall',
- feature: PlayerChat event added, that allows to make a custom filter for chat,
- feature: if player is banned/tempbanned and tries to connect or if server is full, there is a notification displayed in conscole along with the name of the player (e.g. " disconnected, name: herobrine, reason: banned"),
- change: heartbeat timing,
- fix: autokick should work now,
- fix: afk shouldn't diplay empty messages "-- (...)" anymore,
- fix: message on kick is showed,
- fix: database directory creation (for mono),
- fix: /clearchat(/cc) command works as intended,
- fix: /zone del works for sql database,
- other fixes.

- change: comment to maps.txt extended,
- fix: /treasure is named properly now,
- fix: /make command.

- new block /treasure,
- improvement: server should lose position on minecraft list less often (or not at all),
- improvement: reappearing message in GUI is multiline now. In file new lines are delimited by "^" char,
- feature: new option in lava settings AllowCuboidOnLavaMaps,
- fix: bug that prevented a player with a lower level to modify the block that was placed by a higher level player even after this block was destroyed by lava,
- fix: properties should load on start for mono (I couldn't test it so I am waiting for feedback).

- new command /tempmute,
- new command /8ball,
- feature: custom commands now can override Init() method that is invoked on load of a command,
- feature: /fetch command functionality extended, /fetch all - gets all players to your position,
- fix: welcome and farewell syntax error with ''',
- fix: bug that could lead to game client crash,
- fix: heaven map doesn't unload on exit (when load on goto is active),
- fix: settings save correctly.

7.2 RC
- new command /voteabort (/vabort) - aborts a current voting,
- new command /rankmsg [rank] [message] - sends a message to players that have a certain rank,
- feature: color palette was added to Chat tab,
- feature: on/off switch was added to Chat tab (chat is now turned off by default as it may trigger errors on some system configurations),
- feature: custom console name - you can set your name to whatever you want,
- change: names on Chat and Players tab are now sorted,
- fix: text trimming algorithm in gui,
- fix: vote system was reworked so that it shouldn't cause errors anymore,
- fix: players will get disconnected on a map change less often, or not at all (not confirmed),
- fix: headless ghosts option works again,
- fix: system and error logs shouldn't overlap anymore,
- other minor bug fixes.

- change: summon command checks ranks now,
- change: chat and log length is limited now,
- fix: while switching from lava/freebuild to lava mode another lava system loop was being created,
- fix: shutdown confirmation pop up doesn't stop restart procedure anymore,
- fix: activating 'load on goto' can't lead to unload of a current lava map,
- fix: the log file is no longer spamed with the system log,

7.1.2 RC3
- feature: list of unloaded maps on maps tab,
- feature: load button activated on maps tab,
- change: side menu button click box is bigger now,
- fix: topten and bestscores commands work from console,
- change: restart command shows in gui countdown to restart,
- fix: properties will be saved on exit now,
- fix: pcount command not working on case sensitive systems,
- fix: mcdzienny heartbeat not working on case sensitive sytems.

7.1.2 RC2
- new command /moveall [map] - moves all players on the server to the map, and /moveall [map1] [map2] - moves all players from the map1 to the map2,
- new command /shutdown - saves the state and shutdowns the server,
- feature: xban command accepts the reason now, /xban [reason],
- feature: unload, delete and create button were activated on the maps tab,
- fix: joker command checks if "joker.txt" file is empty before activating,
- fix: restart command mistype (secons instead of seconds),
- fix: votekick command timer error,
- fix: gui console name field accepts color codes now,
- fix: createlvl disallows creating a level named 'lava' due to the fact that 'lava' is an alias for all lava maps,
- fix: deletelvl command (note: works only with freebuild maps),
- change: rename command was restored (note: works only with freebuild maps),
- change: seed added to heartbeat timing.

7.1 RC
- enhanced and debugged Chat tab (font family and font size settings added, console name setting added),
- enhanced Players tab (new players list that consists of name, rank and map; command buttons added),
- new command /make [player] [command] - executes [command] by [player] - coded by HelloWorldCool,
- feature: resizable window,
- feature: maximize button activated,
- fix: null reference to gui objects in CLI mode,
- fix: pcount command works for console,
- fix: players command works for console.

- feature: new tab Chat,
- feature: new tab Players,
- feature: new tab Maps,
- fix: game mode bug that in a certain situation prevented players from entering the server.

- new command /reflection (/rr),
- new command /sphere hollow (/ell),
- new command /pillareraser (/pe),
- fix: commands /votekick and /voteban works from console,
- fix: command /players works from console,
- fix: command /setlava reloadlevels doesn't multiply entries anymore,
- fix: lava scenario system,
- feature: in lava scenario system you can now set commands to work in the phase1 of the round,
- feature: WOM direct support, you can add description and flag of your server in properties window,
- feature: server shutdown confirmation request,
- change: no more zombie survival tab in order to prevent confusion as the mode was not working,
- other: mayor optimizations,
- other: new exe icon,
- other: numerous bug fixes.

-fix: vip list,
-fix: lava didn't move at corners,
-fix: incorrect path to database for case-sensitive systems,
-feature: new block "lavaup", it's just lava that moves in every direction,
-experimental: zombie mode (it's flawed and may not work),
-some more fixes.

-change: InteliSys is turned off by default,
-feature: server lag info that is shown on the "Main" tab can be activated in "Properties" -> "Misc 3" tab.

-feature: intellisys that helps to reduce server CPU usage remarkably. It can be turned off in case of any problems in Properties Misc3 tab.
-fix: commands are now kept in maps.txt,
-fix: many other bug fixes.

-fix: physic bug.

-improvement: internal database use persistent connection,
-improvement: code was heavily optimized in numerous places, the fastest MC server now,
-improvement: blocks list is sorted,
-improvement: players count and map count is displayed in GUI,
-fix: error caused by windows form invoked in CLI mode,
-fix: permission of blocks can be changed in GUI,
-change: new icon,
-various other changes.

-fix: lava settings auto-saves.

-improvement: /about command works quickly now,
-fix: game mode bug.

-change: backup time set to 3min in '', it's important for freebuild mode,
-change: GUI heavily changed,
-change: max players, server name updates on the server list automatically - no restart needed,
-feature: new proporties in Lava Settings,
-feature: Zombie Settings window,
-feature: a new field added to maps.txt file to <map> element, "author" - defines the author of the map,
-change: game mode can be changed without a server restart,
-change: you can set a global player limit to number from 0 to 255,
-optimization: general optimization of code performed,
-various other changes.

-feature: new game mode infection. Use /infection [time] command to start the infection. Make sure that the map is well fitted for this purpose(not too big). You can change the "zombie" alias in file. You could change it to the name that has a zombie skin, so that all the zombies will look cool.
New textdata elements:
23: "%cVirus will be released in:"
24: " was infected!!"
25: "%b RUN HUMANS, RUN!"
26: " %cwas bitten by "
Mind that it is version 1 and it's not fully finished.
-fix: various bug fixes.

-change: command /replaceall can be used from console with the following syntax: '/ra [block1] [block2] [map]',
-fix: 'save block changes' doesn't cause error anymore,
-updater: updater version 2.1 added to the release.

-feature: new command /codes that shows color codes - made by PlatinumKiller,
-change: in-built compiler was enhanced. Now it uses Net 3.5 framework and it can compile the file with more than one command included,
-change: other minor changes.

-fix: winners list,
-feature: new elements added to textdata file:
19: "stepped in &dcold water and froze."
20: "was hit by &cflowing magma and melted."
21: "died due to lack of &5brain."
22: "was killed &cb-SSSSSSSSSSSSSS"
-change: command place can be used from console, you just have to add map name as the last argument, for example /place ahl 30 50 30 island or you can use lava map alias and write just "lava" in place of the map name.

-feature: new block /meteor,
-feature: new symbols added:
(sign1)(sign2)(sign3)...(sign15) Write in chat "(sign1)" etc. to see what you get,
-feature: new mode - water survival - write /setlava water to switch to active cold water mode (for one round),
-feature: new elements added to textdata file:
14: "%5(right)Look out! Water is coming!!!"
15: " minute left to water flood!"
16: " minutes left to water flood"
17: " minute left to the end of water flood!"
18: " minutes left to the end of water flood",
-fix: CLI mode,
-fix: color codes don't break java client anymore. You can use as many colors as you want,
-change: game mode variable added to heartbeat message.

-feature: new command '/lavaportal' for making portals to the lava survival game mode,
-experimental: system was reworked so that switch between lava survival/freebuild modes could be added,
-feature: new element can be added to maps.txt that allows to trigger a command at the specific time. Syntax: <command command="" delay="" /> , where command could be for example: "say Embrace for impact!", and delay is the time represented in seconds, that have to pass before the command will be executed. So the valid entry could look like this: <command command="say Embrace for impact!" delay="0" />,
-feature: alias "lava" was added for the current lava map. It means you can write "/goto lava" instead of "/goto [lava map name]",
-change: unique visits count added to heartbeat message,
-fix: commands: '/titlecolor', '/unload' works correctly now
-new Updater.exe,
-new IRC Library, you should download it manually from the download page and put into MCDzienny directory.

-change: during map loading the map names are verified. In case when the map doesn't exist the entry is automatically removed,
-feature: server list heartbeat added (temporarily you can check the list here > serverlist.php ).

-fix: internal database managment,
-feature: new command '/update' - updates the software if a new version is available.

-fix: maps system bug.

-change: stability was improved in many places of the code,
-change: map loading should be more reliable now,
-feature: integrated database system, MySQL is no longer required. In order to use integrated database set usemsql to false in file,
-change: updating is now more automatic,
-change: a new version of "Meebey.SmartIrc4net.dll" library was added to the full release (has to be downloaded manually).

-fix: moving players from one map to the next map was improved, so that all players are moved, always.
-feature: new maps system based on xml, that allows multiple and delayed lava sources, with custom blocks,
-store: new item added to the shop - /titlecolor
-store: you can set how many items are showed on the first page by changing 'first-page-limit' in 'itemprices.txt',
-change: command /pay restricts from paying the person with the same ip,
-feature: you can disable in-game variables (e.g. $name) in file,
-feature: '/setlava reloadlevels' command reloads "levelsystem.txt",
-fix: sponges work for other lava types (type a,b,c,d and magma),
-change: xml declaration added to every xml file.

Also new updater.exe was released. Mind it requires .net framework 4.0 to work.

-fix: /setlava works correctly again,
-shop now shows items on two pages(if there's more than 7 items listed), to see the second page you have to write '/store more',
-a new item was added to shop: /color, it allows one to change his/her nick color,
-change: former '/color [player] [color]' command is now named '/setcolor',
-change: physic is paused on the end of the round, and started when all players are moved to the next map,
-level system is now customizable. Level's experience thresholds are saved in XML file named 'levelsystem.txt', also you can change the amount of items that are given to a player each round, and add more levels(as many as you wish).

-fix: coal block bug,
-command /setlava has a new function: '/setlava map [mapname]' - jumps to the chosen map,
-prices in store changes color. If you can afford the item price color is green, otherwise it's red,
-fix: gui map menu works again,
-/state added same as /time,
-updater.exe added, it allows you to update the server in two clicks. It's gonna be more inteligent with the next update probably.
-commands: /pcinem /scinema /moveall /kickall removed due to licenses conflict,
-new command: /kickall - this time it really kicks all people.

-now you can change in server.proporties the chances of getting each mood. Mind that all chances have to add up to exactly 100.
-command /time apart from times shows the current state of lava as well,
-lava mood is announced for the second time just before the flood,
-new lava types, for now, just for testing. You can change the starting type in GUI in Lava Survival II tab,
-new command '/reset xp yes'. It resets experience for all players and should be used from console,
-change: '/setlava next' now omits the voting,
-fix: /clearchat,
-fix: new algorithm for moving players to a next lava map. The former was flawed so that sometimes some players might be not moved.
-fix: magma physic doesn't cause lag anymore.

-command /setlava can be used for setting lava state, '/setlava state 1..4' or '/setlava state furious' etc.
-/votekick was slightly adjusted,
-overload protection was enhanced(requires less players to be started),
-score counting alghorithm was heavily optimized. In the result it's xxx times faster than the previous one and it's highly recommended to use it by activating "prevent score abuse" system,
-ops+ are set back to being mortal each round automatically,
-lava mood random change in each round added,
-map rating info showing up on the start of the round,
-coal blocks resist lava longer,
-fix: items in store are now sorted correctly.

-permanent sponge block added /psponge,
-new command: /vote [message] - puts to the vote anything,
-new command: /voteban [player] - voting to tempban a player,
-new commands: /like (/thumbsup) and /dislike (/thumbsdown) - you give the thumbs up/thumbs down to the map you are currently in, /results - shows results of the map you are in,
-fix: store bug,
-fix: changable reward now works.

-fix: when ghost buy a life on heaven map he gets moved back to lava arena,
-new lava states added :calm - lava doesn't destroy anything, disturbed - lava rarely destroys blocks, furious - equal to former lava rage, wild - lava destroys blocks massively)
-number of players is showed next to each map name on 'Main' tab. Syntax: 'map name - physics - number of players',
-sponges last now 3x times longer than before,
-changable rewards (in,
-new item in the store: teleport,
-new item in the store: welcome and farewell message,
-times survived counter added, can be checked by using /look,
-fix: /votekick now works.

-fix: crash when heaven map wasn't loaded.

-heaven for ghosts option added,
-reappearing message option added,
-server starting algorithm enhanced,
-score abuse prevention system added (mind it's CPU hungry),
-fix: memory leak fixed,
-fix: VIP list appears in GUI on start,
-new command added: /tmsg
-new command added: /votekick
-three new lines that you can add to textdata.txt (11: " is a ghost now.", 12 : "%bYou were sent to heaven!", 13 : "%aIf you want to come back to lava arena buy a life.").

-universal sponge added to shop,
-more customizable store (XML syntax introduced),
-fix/change: Hopefully software will work on MacOS now,
-two new lines you can add to textdata.txt (9: " has joined the server." 10: " disconnected.")

-changable prices feature added (edit 'storeprices.txt' file in 'lava' folder),
-fix: Now everyone should be moved to the next map, no one stays behind,
-fix: The software should work for MacOS and Linux now (GUI issue),
-new commands added: /clearchat (/cc), /fetch, /fakerank, /kickall, /moveall, /pcinema, /scinema

-now you can set different promotion prices for each rank in proporties->ranks tab. If you set the price to 0 it means that the rank cannot be bought.

-promotion price can be set,
-irc button fixed.

-a new item to shop added: promotion,
-descriptions added to shop items,
-command /look changed a little,
-other changes (for MacOS),
-map tab added, still in development.

-a new item to shop added: title,
-switch to turn on/off respawn on death,
-unbreakable sand fix fixed,
-voting bug fixed,
-/look bug fixed,
-some minor visual changes.

-voting for map option added
-unbreakable sand fixed
-/flipheads command restored
-lava speed bug fixed
-bug that could cause the server crash fixed (connected with space counting)
-other minor problems fixed

-two commands were added '/savelavamap' and '/loadlavamap'. They substitute the outdated '/save lava' and '/load lava', and they are more reliable.
-a switch was added for disabling auto title change.
-changelog window is working now.
-a few minor changes here and there.

-a few bugs were fixed including custom commands compile error. Try to compile commands again.
-VIP list was added. Every person that is on the list will bypass the players amount limit
-switch was added for disabling auto name coloring
-the short message about software is grey now and it will appear less often

-new type of lava was added - crawling lava. In order to use this new type of lava you have to configure setting for the map in lavamaps.txt appropriately. The template:

lava_map_name : source_x : source_y : source_z : time_before : time_after : ?use_crawling_lava


mystic : 59 : 33 : 59 : 18 : 9 : true


-on start-up server checks whether a new version is available and if yes it shows the notification

-two new items were added to the shop: 'armor' that protects from lava for 30 seconds and 'doors' that can't be destroyed by lava
-possiblity to disable "distance-offset-message" in ''

-server name bug fixed
-headless ghosts feature added
-lava moving up option added (it's wise to use it seldom)
-'too many connections' error fixed

-'/time' command shows time of the round
-from now on, if you don't use IRC you don't need 'Meebey.SmartIrc4net.dll' file for MCDzienny to work

-minor bug fix

-GUI rearranged and enhanced
-'minimize' button added
-settings are now saved automaticly on exit
-a new control that allows to set the lava speed (remember the higher the number the slower the lava)
-a new checkbox taht allows to disable auto server lock protection. Auto server lock is enabled for 45sec. on buffer overloaded error, it should minimize the amount of players kicked due to this error.
-general stability improved
-a major bug - lava not destroying blocks in 'lava rage' mode fixed!
-other minor bugs fixed

-Custom Commands option was added. It works same as in MCLawl, check for more info about this feature. If you want to import commands from MCLawl it's easy, just change namespace from MCLawl to MCDzienny. Remember namespace is casesensitive!
-now you can set your server name to whatever you like, MCDzienny tag will not show anymore. There will be short message every 15min instead.
-a speed counter was added to Lava Survival tab. It shows approximately the amount of data that you try to stream. It may be helpful in setting player limit for your server. Remember, you can try to send more than you actually can. It's the cause of most problems that concerns the server connection stability. As long as you exceed your internet upload speed only for a short time it's okey.

-another heartbeat bug fixed that caused connection overload when was not responding. It should speed up the server.
-/players command shows Players levels instead of maps they are in.

-multi custom texts option added. Write as many alternative texts to the event as you whish. Separate them by ':' . They will be chosen radomly. Remember to keep them inline.
-anitgrief - blocks protection added. Based on level of the player.
-experience required to level up added to /look table.
-/setlava protection - switches overload protection (ON/OFF). Also overload protection is now OFF by default due to not being finished, still may work for you.
-players gets 20 monyes on first log in.
-players gets more points that are based on just surviving(150 instead of 10).
-players are now immortal for 20 sec. after dieing instead of 15sec.
-some other minor changes.

-heartbeat bug fixed.
-a little general redesign.
-overload protection enhanced.
-auto server lock (45 sec.) on critical connection error added.

-GUI changed again.
-overload protection added.
-/buy command redesigned. Now you can use /buy 1 , /buy 2.
-lavamaps.txt configuration extended. You can set 'time before' and 'time after' for each map, as well as 'lava rage', but it's optional. E.g. 'lava : 39 : 62 : 39 : 20 : 10 : true' or 'lava : 39 : 62 : 39 : 20 : 10' . In those cases 'time before' = 20min and 'time after' = 10min. If not set, global values are used.

-GUI changed a little.
-new GUI element "Player position showing delay", it determines the flow of players (how frequent their position is updated). This value should be kept at 100+, and when there is a significant LAG you should set the value to max. temporarily (should help).
-command /setlava extensions:
/setlava speedtest - turns ON/OFF speed test,
/setlava reloadtexts - reloads custom texts.
-more texts to change! (delete textdata.txt and use '/setlava reloadtexts' to get a new list)

-connection speed test added. You have to check box in LavaSurvival tab in order to use it(off by default). It's in the test phase. It should get players speed and prevent those who has low speed from lagging entire server. There's also a green list of ip's that is created for those who has <200ms ping, so that they are not tested anymore. Other players are tested on each login. If their ping is higher than 350ms they are kicked. It should speed up server but it's test version, if it does not work well just turn it off. You may check each player ping result by using /ping command.
-/ping - shows list of players and their ping result.

-"too many connections" bug hopefully fixed.
-custom texts extension added. At the moment there's only one line to change, but going to be much more. Now you can change "stood in magma and melted." to whatever you want. Check "textdata.txt" in the main folder (You have to start server first).

1.8 (b)
-stability issue causing server to block incoming connections fixed. (b - revisisted)
-physic speed back to 240. (You can change physic speed using '/map ps 350' or any other number >10. )

-/hammer bug fixed.
-/buy life bug fixed.
-/points has another name: /money (now you can change 'points' into any currency you like).
-server should not radomly disappear from the official list anymore.
-new command added: /xban

-new commands: /hammer - acts like cuboid, but you have to buy it first,
/items (/inv, /inventory) - shows stuff you possess.
-5 more levels added (15 lvl is the highest)
-amount of water you get each round now depends upon your level, same with /hammer

-connections maganement enhanced.
-stability issue fixed.
-new commands:
/cpe - changes player experience. /cpe [name] [change] e.g /cpe dzienny 100 (Use it wisely). Change may be also negative e.g. (-100).
/ss (/summonspawn) - summons players that are close to the spawn point.
-default physics speed was changed from 240 to 400.

-adjusted heartbeat, MCDzienny shows URL again.
-new commands: /buy and /store (aka shop).
-now if lava rage is off, lava doesn't destroy saplings, wood or anything else anymore.
-new and better lava destroying system: it's more random, it's less agressive and lava changes blocks into coal first so that players have more time to replace the flawed block.

-new command: /pause - pauses physics, in order to un-pause use /pause again. It may be helpful in situation of overload.
-now you can set both timers in GUI: time left to lava flood and time left to end of the round. They will work for every next round as well, (unlike /tleft and /cdown - they work only for the current round).

-new commands were added: /topten - shows ten players with the highest total score
/bestscores (/bs) - displays ten round best scores
-added checkbox in GUI. Now tab LavaSurvivals contains Lava Rage ON checkbox that sets whether lava is to destroy solid blocks or not. (also /setlava rage will switch lava rage mode)

-fixed the spam in Commands field in GUI (it was showing current physics overload, gonna add this later in different form)
-fixed socket error messages radomly showing up
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Re: Changelog

Postby Ultima » 17 Feb 2013, 14:52

Updated to 9.2

Manual update is required!
/update doesnt support mysql update.
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Re: Changelog

Postby Ultima » 20 Feb 2013, 18:44

Updated to 9.3.2
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Re: Changelog

Postby Ultima » 24 Feb 2013, 21:25

Updated to 9.4.

Updating is RECOMMENDED.
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Re: Changelog

Postby Ultima » 26 Feb 2013, 19:50

Updated to 9.4.2.
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Re: Changelog

Postby Ultima » 14 Apr 2013, 21:46

Updated to 9.8.
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Re: Changelog

Postby Ultima » 15 Apr 2013, 17:50

Updated to 9.8.1.
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Re: Changelog

Postby Ultima » 23 May 2013, 18:31

Updated to
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Re: Changelog

Postby Ultima » 24 May 2013, 18:59

Updated to
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