Corrupted maps.txt

Corrupted maps.txt

Postby treysawesome » 04 Feb 2013, 02:33

Every time i try to run my server it says my maps.txt file is corrupted.

Here is what my maps.txt file looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

* As Source you can use any Blocks, for example:
ahl, lta, ltb, ltc, ltd, lava_up, ahw
* Attributes x,y,z determines the place where lava block will be placed.
To find appropriate x,y,z values, use /about command in game and
click in the place where you want to lava to start from. Then read coordinates.
* Delay attribute determines how much time in seconds has to pass before
the block/command will be placed/triggered.
* Phase = "1" is time for building a shelter, phase ="2" is time when lava flood started

<!--For more help visit and go to Help section.-->

<!--Lava maps list-->

<Map name="cube" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="">
<Source block="ahl" x="39" y="62" z="39" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="island" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="">
<Source block="ahl" x="39" y="63" z="39" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="lava_geyser" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="">
<Source block="ahl" x="0" y="63" z="63" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="bouda_metro" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="">
<Source block="ahl" x="39" y="63" z="39" type="" delay="0" />
<Source block="ahl" x="2" y="63" z="2" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="pluto" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="">
<Source block="ahl" x="62" y="62" z="1" type="" delay="0" />
<Command command="say %eOh noes %cMETEOR %eis coming!" delay="60" phase="1" />
<Command command="place meteor 35 62 33 lava" delay="65" phase="1" />
<Map name="vulcano" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="">
<Source block="ahl" x="0" y="63" z="0" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="passage" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="">
<Source block="ahl" x="126" y="63" z="7" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="desert_well" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="">
<Source block="ahl" x="0" y="63" z="63" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="orb" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="Ismellike">
<Source block="ltc" x="31" y="48" z="31" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="fortress" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="Ismellike">
<Source block="ltc" x="29" y="63" z="32" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="laststand" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="Ismellike">
<Source block="ltc" x="32" y="63" z="32" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="core" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="Ismellike">
<Source block="small_tnt" x="31" y="63" z="31" type="" delay="0" />
<Source block="ltc" x="14" y="2" z="32" type="" delay="30" />
<Map name="metro" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="1203so">
<Source block="lavaup" x="32" y="33" z="32" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="volcano" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="Ismellike">
<Source block="lavafall" x="26" y="63" z="34" type="" delay="0" />
<Source block="ltc" x="63" y="63" z="1" type="" delay="20" />
<Map name="doom" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="Ismellike">
<Source block="ltc" x="23" y="63" z="20" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="shrine" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="Ismellike/Hira">
<Source block="ltc" x="33" y="63" z="22" type="" delay="0" />
<Command command="say %4The Gods are angered!!!" delay="0" phase="2" />
<Map name="giza" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="Kozmik1975">
<Source block="lavaup" x="30" y="13" z="32" type="" delay="0" />
<Command command="say %aHanging in the gardens!" delay="1" phase="1" />
<Map name="town" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="Thebaum64/Ismellike">
<Source block="ltc" x="32" y="63" z="40" type="" delay="0" />
<Command command="say %4Run,the town is getting invaded!!" delay="0" phase="2" />
<Map name="lavatown" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="Captian_Craft">
<Source block="ltc" x="32" y="63" z="40" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="hotel" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="minecraftmario49">
<Source block="ltc" x="32" y="63" z="40" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="gold_forest" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="Jedialex105">
<Source block="ltc" x="32" y="63" z="40" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="xmas" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="0_Neon_0">
<Source block="ltc" x="32" y="63" z="40" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="minibuild" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="arcangel8679">
<Source block="ltc" x="32" y="63" z="40" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="pyramid" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="Ismellike">
<Source block="zombie" x="10" y="43" z="32" type="" delay="0" />
<Source block="ltc" x="32" y="61" z="32" type="" delay="0" />
<Command command="say %6You triggered the trap!" delay="0" phase="2" />
<Map name="gateway" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="Ismellike/Luna">
<Source block="ltb" x="38" y="63" z="31" type="" delay="0" />
<Command command="say %aLava gate is now open." delay="0" phase="2" />
<Map name="lavalizer" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="Ismellike">
<Source block="big_tnt" x="27" y="41" z="35" type="" delay="0" />
<Command command="say %7Lava lord unleashes his wrath!!" delay="0" phase="2" />
<Map name="war" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="Ismellike">
<Source block="ltc" x="34" y="63" z="30" type="" delay="0" />
<Command command="say %8Lava Lord has joined the war!" delay="0" phase="2" />
<Map name="treasuremaze" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="Ismellike">
<Source block="ltc" x="36" y="63" z="31" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="great_tree" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="Ismellike">
<Source block="ltc" x="36" y="63" z="31" type="" delay="0" />
<Command command="say %4The monkeys are angered!!!" delay="0" phase="2" />
<Map name="twintubs" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="Hira_Chandi">
<Source block="lavaup" x="31" y="32" z="33" type="" delay="0" />
<Command command="say %4The water is so hot its lava!!" delay="2" phase="2" />
<Map name="party" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="Ismellike">
<Source block="lavaup" x="32" y="34" z="32" type="" delay="0" />
<Command command="say %9Party is out of control! D:" delay="1" phase="2" />
<Map name="bombed" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="Ismellike">
<Source block="ltc" x="32" y="63" z="32" type="" delay="15" />
<Command command="say %2Prepare for destruction" delay="1" phase="2" />
<Map name="mansion" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="Ismellike">
<Source block="creeper" x="23" y="38" z="16" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="himalaya" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="Ismellike">
<Source block="ahl" x="39" y="62" z="39" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="glass_box" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="Ismellike">
<Source block="lavaup" x="32" y="42" z="21" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="tower" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="Ryguy1174">
<Source block="ltc" x="29" y="52" z="27" type="" delay="0" />
<Source block="lavaup" x="29" y="53" z="27" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="pacific" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="Ismellike">
<Source block="ahl" x="39" y="62" z="39" type="" delay="0" />
<Source block="geyser" x="13" y="48" z="15" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="exodus" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="Manleap12">
<Source block="acw" x="126" y="62" z="1" type="" delay="0" />
<Source block="lavaup" x="64" y="33" z="81" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="desert_hill" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="Princess_Cutie">
<Source block="lavaup" x="33" y="73" z="23" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="staff" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="Ryguy1174">
<Source block="ahl" x="39" y="62" z="39" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="bakery" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="Minecraftmario49">
<Source block="ltc" x="39" y="63" z="39" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="forestree" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="Ismellike">
<Source block="fire" x="34" y="53" z="58" type="" delay="0" />
<Source block="lavafall" x="28" y="63" z="42" type="" delay="0" />
<Source block="acw" x="63" y="63" z="127" type="" delay="5" />
<Map name="dam" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="Ismellike">
<Source block="big_tnt" x="19" y="61" z="12" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="natlava" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="nattertje, joppiesaus">
<Source block="ahl" x="32" y="62" z="62" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="bomen..." phase1="0" phase2="0" author="indianejones1401, anoniemspy700">
<Source block="ahl" x="64" y="61" z="60" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="kasteel" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="indianejones1401, anoniemspy700">
<Source block="ahl" x="78" y="63" z="56" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="hemelse_hel" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="indianejones1401, anoniemspy700">
<Source block="lava_fast" x="126" y="125" z="126" type="ahl" delay="0" />
<Map name="mcvillage" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="lussane11, anouck1">
<Source block="ahl" x="62" y="63" z="0" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="planeten" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="joppiesaus, anoniemspy700">
<Source block="ahl" x="36" y="125" z="28" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="noordpool" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="jorenlol">
<Source block="ahl" x="62" y="60" z="5" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="sunshine" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="various people">
<Source block="ahl" x="1" y="63" z="1" type="ahl" delay="0" />
<Map name="stuwdam" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="joppiesaus, titanium66.">
<Source block="ahl" x="1" y="63" z="1" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="snowslope" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="joppiesaus, anoniemspy700">
<Source block="ahl" x="63" y="63" z="37" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="aardbeving" phase1="0" phase2="0" author="anoniemspy700, joppiesaus">
<Source block="meteor" x="61" y="62" z="52" type="" delay="1" />
<Map name="multi" phase1="0" phase2="0">
<Source block="ahl" x="31" y="213" z="0" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="moon" phase1="0" phase2="0">
<Source block="ahl" x="81" y="82" z="28" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="single_crater" phase1="0" phase2="0">
<Source block="ahl" x="29" y="61" z="29" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="city_survival" phase1="0" phase2="0">
<Source block="lava_type_b" x="66" y="127" z="64" type="" delay="0" />
<Map name="sphere" phase1="0" phase2="0">
<Source block="ahl" x="63" y="122" z="62" type="" delay="0" />
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Joined: 04 Feb 2013, 02:31

Re: Corrupted maps.txt

Postby ismellike » 04 Feb 2013, 04:07

Go down to the end of snowslope and add </Map>
What a beast...
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Re: Corrupted maps.txt

Postby treysawesome » 06 Feb 2013, 02:26

Are you being serious? I looked all over that txt for the smallest error, and found nothing. Wow, I think I've gone stupid. Thanks for the help! :D
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Joined: 04 Feb 2013, 02:31

Re: Corrupted maps.txt

Postby Alshima » 01 Jun 2013, 22:21

Not to be mean or anything but, if you have a problem or a bug in the MCDzienny application please make a topic in the Help/Bugs forum. :D
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