

Postby dzienny » 04 Feb 2012, 21:23

-feature: you can override the method that pays reward to winners(for more info go to custom command->help in coding section),
-feature: you can set the amout of players, that when exceeded turns off death messages. Default value is 30 and it means if there is 30 or more people on the server, then when they die the death message doesn't spam the chat.
-feature: you can set the upper level in based on level antigrief system. The upper level is a level which when exceeded by some player excludes this player from antigrief monitoring. It means this player can freely modify other people blocks.
-change: heartbeat, hopefully it's more reliable now,
-change: the best score is now showed as the last,
-change: /alive command shows player names delimited by coma, instead of showing each name in a new line,
-change: map rating is now described in the amount of likes and dislikes instead of the thumbs up/down, also there is a short hint on how to rate the map below the rating that is showed at the beginning of each round,
-change: one of the method that was publicly exposed had its name changed from "LavaSystem.CountPlayerScore" to "LavaSystem.CountScoreDefault"!
-improvement: /shutdown command - there is 20 second countdown that can be stopped by using /shutdown command again,
-fix: system log no longer shows up in error log tab,
-fix: log system now creates a new log file when the next day comes,
-fix: motd saves and loads as it should.
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