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Server Ranks

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2011, 21:26
by mmccoy1127
I was just thinking we could post what ranks are on our server and if you like you could add the permissions. I just copied my

Here's Mine:

Rank Name = Banned
Permission = -20
Limit = 1
Color = 8
PromotionPrice = 0
FileName = banned.txt

RankName = Guest
Permission = 0
Limit = 1
Color = 7
PromotionPrice = 0
FileName = guest.txt

RankName = Builder
Permission = 30
Limit = 400
Color = 2
PromotionPrice = 200
FileName = builders.txt

RankName = Survivalist
Permission = 40
Limit = 900
Color = 1
PromotionPrice = 600
FileName = Survivalist.txt

RankName = AdvBuilder
Permission = 50
Limit = 1200
Color = 3
PromotionPrice = 1000
FileName = advbuilders.txt

RankName = Trusted
Permission = 70
Limit = 1900
Color = c
PromotionPrice = 3500
FileName = Trusted.txt

RankName = Operator
Permission = 80
Limit = 2500
Color = 6
PromotionPrice = 0
FileName = operators.txt

RankName = SuperOP
Permission = 100
Limit = 65536
Color = 5
PromotionPrice = 0
FileName = uberOps.txt

RankName = Owner
Permission = 119
Limit = 1000000000
Color = a
PromotionPrice = 0
FileName = Owner.txt

Re: Server Ranks

PostPosted: 01 Jul 2011, 14:01
by PlatinumKiller
Heres Mine:

RankName = Banned
Permission = -20
Limit = 1
Color = 8
PromotionPrice = 0
FileName = banned.txt

RankName = Guest
Permission = 0
Limit = 1
Color = 7
PromotionPrice = 0
FileName = guest.txt

RankName = Survivor
Permission = 30
Limit = 400
Color = a
PromotionPrice = 1000
FileName = survivor.txt

RankName = SuperSurvivor
Permission = 40
Limit = 1200
Color = b
PromotionPrice = 5000
FileName = SuperSurvivor.txt

RankName = EpicSurvivor
Permission = 50
Limit = 2000
Color = c
PromotionPrice = 150000
FileName = EpicSurvivor.txt

RankName = Trusted
Permission = 55
Limit = 2250
Color = 6
PromotionPrice = 0
FileName = trusted.txt

RankName = Operator
Permission = 80
Limit = 2500
Color = 4
PromotionPrice = 0
FileName = operators.txt

RankName = SuperOP
Permission = 100
Limit = 65536
Color = 2
PromotionPrice = 0
FileName = uberOps.txt

RankName = Administrator
Permission = 110
Limit = 1000000
Color = e
PromotionPrice = 0
FileName = admin.txt

RankName = Co-Owner
Permission = 117
Limit = 1000000000
Color = f
PromotionPrice = 0
FileName = co-owner.txt

RankName = LavaGod
Permission = 119
Limit = 1000000000
Color = 1
PromotionPrice = 0
FileName = Lava.txt

Re: Server Ranks

PostPosted: 17 Jul 2011, 21:46
by gertjan
Nice Ones , I Should Better Redo Mine Because They Are The Plain Ones >.<