Microsoft just bought Minecraft

Microsoft just bought Minecraft

Postby joppiesaus » 15 Sep 2014, 16:44

Notch leaves:
More info:

I am confused now.
What are your thoughts about this?
And how will this be for Minecraft Classic?
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Re: Microsoft just bought Minecraft

Postby HelloWorldCool » 21 Sep 2014, 01:09

It essentially means nothing largely.

The only change is the owner of Minecraft. The adopter was either going to be Microsoft or Google.

Microsoft took Minecraft because with ownership they can MODIFY the game anywhere and however they want. The only thing i'm not quite sure is whether their services can host hardcore minecraft servers.

Will Microsoft make Minecraft free? I feel that it won't happen yet, but the price will start going down with lots of promo discounts and coupons...because everyone trusts Microsoft and in time when Minecraft is old it will be a FREE PC App as long as you are running Windows.

Minecraft Classic will most likely not be affected. It has already lost it's popularity and most of the files is still hosted on Amazon.
Download fCraft maps! - viewtopic.php?f=25&t=3012!

Note: The Developer(s) of MCDzienny have resigned and the software is no longer supported.
Errors are bound to occur and Mojang has not attempted to resolve them.
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Re: Microsoft just bought Minecraft

Postby Leeizazombie » 21 Sep 2014, 14:20

Microsoft and "Free" don't happen so often...
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Re: Microsoft just bought Minecraft

Postby HelloWorldCool » 30 Sep 2014, 23:21

Haha...well they may have to...

Because the software was not quite their "property" nor Mojang's. Apparently people are saying the owner of Minecraft's original code was Wesley Wolfe. He made the software OPEN SOURCE CODE...and free. That's where the problem lies.

What I'm confused about is how Minecraft even got people to PAY for the game...LOL The button should have said "donation" instead of "buy."

Well anyway, we'll know soon whether Minecraft is made free by Microsoft. Mojang sold the damn thing because they had a huge problem on their hands. Microsoft bought them because they knew that parents and people would buy their PCS with a free game offer because kids love Minecraft!

(Microsoft can earn profit from selling their pcs(+$400 + $27/pc); once you buy a pc from them you get a windows store code/windows serial activation code...

so technically Minecraft is free, but PCS won't be...

HAHAHAAHAA. Do you guys like my explanation? ;))

To the future,
Download fCraft maps! - viewtopic.php?f=25&t=3012!

Note: The Developer(s) of MCDzienny have resigned and the software is no longer supported.
Errors are bound to occur and Mojang has not attempted to resolve them.
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Re: Microsoft just bought Minecraft

Postby HETAL » 01 Oct 2014, 20:01

Incorrect, Mojang had programmed Minecraft with no code from Weslie and the original code was from Notch, Wesley was a contributor to Bukkit which is where the problem lied. The external Bukkit staff (Nor any of the public) was told that the Bukkit software was bought by Mojang and on the hand of this, Wesley had the ability to DMCA CraftBukkit as it contained his code under an invalid license, Mojang had three options.

1. Shutdown CraftBukkit (Which happened)
2. Rewrite Weslie's code (Which is 25% of Bukkit and too much work)
3. Open source the vanilla server

The problem with option 3 was that the vanilla server contained much of the client's source code which is why Mojang went with option 1. Microsoft may make Minecraft free in the next years to come, but it will certainly not be due to Wesley. Also, ClassiCube is effected by this buy because ClassiCube has a very small agreement with Mojang that they are allowed to rehost classic, but Microsoft might have new thoughts on this. (Don't tell Microsoft about ClassiCube Shh)
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