

Postby dryfly21 » 11 Jul 2013, 21:39

Hello all i'd like to start off by saying that i have a brand new program :D

This program is pretty pointless and safe. I'm just learning and practicing the batch language (this is a pc language)
This is just v1 and probably will be that way unless someone requests for a update.
I have provided the source for the program. For those unaware how to get a batch file started follow these steps!(only for the copy'n'paste TUT)
If you're too lazy just download here ->
For those unaware of how to start it! (only for the download TUT)
(TUT for download)
1. go to the ling provided!
2. download!
3. locate the file (most likely downloads folder)
4. double click (or right click and pick run) or any other method to start it
5. enjoy!

(TUT for copy'n'paste)
1. copy and paste the code below into notepad
2. save as
3. pick save as type all files
4. put file name as Pro.bat
5. click save
6. find the file
7. double click it or some other way of starting it
8. enjoy
Code: Select all
@echo off
title Pro
echo Hello and welcome to my program!
ping localhost -n 2 >nul

title Pro
echo Pick 1-3 of the options or exit!
echo 1. Options
echo 2. Info
echo 3. Site
echo exit?

set /p rawr=
if %rawr% == 1 goto pin
if %rawr% == 2 goto tin
if %rawr% == 3 goto fin
if %rawr% == exit goto Leave
echo Error please type a valid number or type exit!
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
goto Start
goto WRONG

echo ====Welcome to the OPTIONS page====
echo welcome to the OPTIONS page!
echo 1. colors
::echo 2.
::echo 3.
echo exit program or go back?
set /p pie=
if %pie% == 1 goto colorss
::if %pie% == 2 goto
::if %pie% == 3 goto
if %pie% == exit goto Leave
if %pie% == back goto Yin
echo Error please type 1 or exit or back
ping localhost -n 3 >nul
goto pin
goto WRONG

echo ====Welcome to the INFO page====
echo Hello and welcome to the info page
echo 1. Developers: Dryfly21
echo 2. This program is pretty pointless :P
echo 3. Version: 1
echo exit program or go back?
set /p sigh=
if %sigh% == exit goto Leave
if %sigh% == back goto Yin
echo Error please type exit or back!
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
goto tin
goto WRONG

echo ====Welcome to the SITE page====
echo Pick a website! 1-3 then enter to open site!
echo 1.
echo 2.
echo 3.
echo exit program or go back?
set /p tie=
if %tie% == 1 goto site1
if %tie% == 2 goto site2
if %tie% == 3 goto site3
if %tie% == exit goto Leave
if %tie% == back goto Yin
echo Error please type a valid number 1-3 or type exit!
ping localhost -n 3 >nul
goto fin
goto WRONG

goto Start

echo ====Welcome to the COLOR page====
echo Pick a which colors you want (text only)
echo 1. Red
echo 2. Blue
echo 3. Green
echo 4. Normal
echo exit program or go back?
set /p col=
if %col% == 1 goto col1
if %col% == 2 goto col2
if %col% == 3 goto col3
if %col% == 4 goto colnor
if %col% == exit goto Leave
if %col% == back goto Pin
echo Error please type a valid number 1-4 or type exit!
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
goto colorss
goto WRONG
color 07
echo you have reset the color!
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
goto colorss

color 04
echo you picked RED
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
goto colorss

color 01
echo you have picked BLUE
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
goto colorss

color 02
echo you have picked BLUE
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
goto colorss

echo Exiting program now!
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
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Re: Program

Postby joppiesaus » 12 Jul 2013, 07:19

Ah. Batch processing. I used to code in that when I was 6 or something, making useless programs.
Good job. It is not easy to do batch. ;)
EDIT: This will crash. I don't see in the coded the websites defined(goto website1).
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Re: Program

Postby dryfly21 » 12 Jul 2013, 20:01

joppiesaus wrote:Ah. Batch processing. I used to code in that when I was 6 or something, making useless programs.
Good job. It is not easy to do batch. ;)
EDIT: This will crash. I don't see in the coded the websites defined(goto website1).

lol not easy :lol: i know you kidding just made me lawl XD anyways i know this is easy i learned it in a day :D just wanted to share with the world. As well as practice also the goto site's weren't declared yet :P
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Re: Program

Postby Breakdown901 » 12 Jul 2013, 23:52

Joppie, if you coded when you were 6 you must have had a pretty bad childhood :P I coded batch when I was 10 (no joke), I would go tot youtube, type in batch file then copy the code out of whatever I thought was useful :) Recently I started making pointless little batch files, like I made one that started up XWoM and a erbsite for a Classic server :)
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Re: Program

Postby Leeizazombie » 13 Jul 2013, 09:44

I only ever touched a computer for the 1st time when I was 12, Its amazing how everyone tought me how to use it, and now i'm teaching them xD
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Re: Program

Postby joppiesaus » 13 Jul 2013, 12:11

dryfly21 wrote:
joppiesaus wrote:Ah. Batch processing. I used to code in that when I was 6 or something, making useless programs.
Good job. It is not easy to do batch. ;)
EDIT: This will crash. I don't see in the coded the websites defined(goto website1).

lol not easy :lol: i know you kidding just made me lawl XD anyways i know this is easy i learned it in a day :D just wanted to share with the world. As well as practice also the goto site's weren't declared yet :P

I am not kidding.
Commands are easy.
But how many commands are there? Not that many. The advancer you get, ther harder it gets. Arguments, constructors, loops, sleeping without internetconnection, etc...

and Breakdown,
I can't stop laughing at the moment! :P
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Re: Program

Postby Breakdown901 » 13 Jul 2013, 12:49

I put way too many smilies in my posts :D
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