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lucasds12's 2ND Application.

PostPosted: 17 Jun 2013, 23:20
by lucasds12
Here I go for my second application :mrgreen:

For the first question, yes I do have a server. Actually, I have 5/6 servers. 3 MCDzienny Servers, 1 MCForge Server, and lastly a MCBlend server. Only one server is ported out of these servers and 4 of them I continue to try to forward the port on.

Now for my second and final question, I want to be a forum moderator to impress other users and show that I really deserve this and I am a forum mod on one website but I heard I am the best forum moderator at that community website I am forum moderator on. I think my capabilities have not reached the climax and I will continue to have valid contributions in this forum and be very active. I think I have been active/online the most because yesterday I was online for about 4 hours and didn't see anyone during the process. I will assist users and btw I will assist people to become better at issues, problems etc.


Re: lucasds12's 2ND Application.

PostPosted: 17 Jun 2013, 23:30
by ismellike
I still think this applies

dzienny wrote:You haven't proved yet that you are able to provide right answers to users' problems. So, if you want to become a moderator, you should focus on creating more quality answers or/and very good guides.

but I like the ambition :p

Re: lucasds12's 2ND Application.

PostPosted: 17 Jun 2013, 23:32
I have noticed that most of your posts are in the off topic and suggestions section, Could go either way again, but I am not the decider

Re: lucasds12's 2ND Application.

PostPosted: 18 Jun 2013, 07:38
by toystory_justin
ismellike wrote:I still think this applies

dzienny wrote:You haven't proved yet that you are able to provide right answers to users' problems. So, if you want to become a moderator, you should focus on creating more quality answers or/and very good guides.

but I like the ambition :p

Re: lucasds12's 2ND Application.

PostPosted: 18 Jun 2013, 20:49
by dryfly21
worst then the last v.v and this isn't simply because I don't like you it just lacks in sources and details. Just because your a "great" mod on another forum doesn't mean you will be here. This place is allot more complicated then what you might be mod at if you are. Also it isn't about the amount of servers you run it's the responsibility of running and administrating the server and players making sure they play fair and have fun. Another thing, if you just wanna impress people then you are not the right person to be mod here it leads to bad things for example bad mods(which can lead to fewer downloads of the server software) and power abusers and fear. Also and my last thing, you said you got omnibanned from MCDawn v.v yeah... cheers! :lol:

Re: lucasds12's 2ND Application.

PostPosted: 21 Jun 2013, 20:22
by Alshima
HETAL wrote:I have noticed that most of your posts are in the off topic and suggestions section, Could go either way again, but I am not the decider

^thats true

Re: lucasds12's 2ND Application.

PostPosted: 21 Jun 2013, 21:22
by dzienny
You have made some improvements. But you have posted in Actual Commands section a command that doesn't compile. And a guide about kicking players in the Knowledge Base section that is more confusing than helpful, because it contains many errors. So, some of your posts requires a moderation. You have to work on that if you want to moderate others.

Re: lucasds12's 2ND Application.

PostPosted: 21 Jun 2013, 22:26
by lucasds12
Thank you for the valuable information Dz. I will follow it and I will apply by the time I have 356 posts.

Re: lucasds12's 2ND Application.

PostPosted: 22 Jun 2013, 11:07
by toystory_justin
Try posting some tutorials and good commands, help people with a good comment/reply, avoid posting useless things(Doesnt mean not allowed, but dont do this just to make your posts alot) <ok> Peace bud.

Re: lucasds12's 2ND Application.

PostPosted: 22 Jun 2013, 13:58
by Breakdown901
Lucas, I've known you for ages so here is my advice. Do as toystory says, try make some tutorials and advice. Remember that talking formally isn't always a good thing as this can confuse people. Answer questions to the best of your ability, but try and get knowledge on the subject so you dont answer incorrectly. LAST but not least, remember that we are all humans. Everybody makes mistakes, so don't be hard on yourself if you ever answer a question incorrectly. I've did this loads of times before, but usually a simple "sorry" can solve all of this.