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IRC Bot Rewrite?

PostPosted: 15 Apr 2014, 00:54
Well, its not exactly a rewrite but it gets annoying when you look on IRC and see aHi. That is due to the IRC Bot trimming & which can crash players, but if you add in some security, you could prevent that and actually make it appear as Hi using IRC Color Codes.

Re: IRC Bot Rewrite?

PostPosted: 15 Apr 2014, 12:38
by dzienny
I didn't know about it. I might even never tested the IRC. I will check it and hopefully add color support.

Re: IRC Bot Rewrite?

PostPosted: 15 Apr 2014, 13:31
by dzienny
I've just read about IRC protocol. It turns out that there's no standard defined for the colored messages. Although, there are clients that support colors, e.g. mIRC.

They include a warning on their website:
Please keep in mind, many IRC channels disallow the use of colors, and even in #Beginner, we ask that our newcomers, ops, and voices, keep the color usage to a minimum so that we don't confuse the newcomers too much. We should also remember that those clients without color capabilities (some Linux clients, for instance) will see all our color codes and numbers, and the resulting text is almost impossible to read.

So, I'm not sure, if I'm going to add a support for IRC colors. If yes, then it's going to be optional.