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PostPosted: 17 Apr 2014, 22:45
by varenu
Hi guys,I think we should have teams.there can be lots of teams maybe making a newteam cost 200 or so.there canbe invites a command like these /team join or /team decline.You do /team decline if someone invites you to the team and you dont want to be in it.If you do thats when you do /team join.There can be team colors you can buythem for maybe 150 or a different cost.If you want to know who is on your team you can do /team members [team name].Oh and when i said about buying a team the person you bought it is the Captian.The would be members or helpers.There can be a promotion the command for that could be /team promote [players name] or do /team promote to promote everyone.To delete your team you made do /team delete.There could be /team kick [player name]only the captin can use that.If a player doesn't want to be in the team anymorethey can do /team leave and they will not be in the team anymore.The last command is /team [your message]Its makes you talk to your team members.So,that is all. :)

Re: Teams

PostPosted: 18 Apr 2014, 17:46
Ismellike's clan command should do it viewtopic.php?f=19&t=2618&p=12202&hilit=clans

Re: Teams

PostPosted: 18 Apr 2014, 18:11
by Leeizazombie
HETAL wrote:Ismellike's clan command should do it viewtopic.php?f=19&t=2618&p=12202&hilit=clans

That command has been causing errors, like not actually creating a clan.

Re: Teams

PostPosted: 18 Apr 2014, 18:14
It is most likely due to a MCDzienny update, I've ran this command many times in Ismellike's server when we were testing, worked fine..