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[!] Chat Filter- and Title Command Settings wont change

PostPosted: 05 Apr 2014, 22:54
by Messoras
I'm trying to host a normal Freebuild Server and just tested any functions of McDzienny ( <ok> ), but I found that the chat filter always blocks caps, repetitions and bad words, even if the filter is turned off.
Also the commands /title, /color and /titlecolor only work in the Lava-gamemode.
When I tried to use them, the program told be to buy them using the /buy-command, wich is only available in Lava-Survival.
Fix that please :?

Re: Chat Filter- and Title Command Settings wont change

PostPosted: 05 Apr 2014, 23:20
by Leeizazombie
Hey there.

Have you tried restarting your server after applying the settings? I highly doubt that that's needed, are you sure you disabled them and clicked save in the properties window?

Also, yes they are Lava Survival commands to be bought but there are ones that support all for just giving a title /color
/settitle (player)
/setcolor (player)

Hope I helped!

Re: Chat Filter- and Title Command Settings wont change

PostPosted: 05 Apr 2014, 23:26
by Messoras
Oh yes the second part was very helpful. Thank you :D
But I saved and restarted, also applied the settings about 100 times, filter is still active :/ .

Re: Chat Filter- and Title Command Settings wont change

PostPosted: 06 Apr 2014, 13:22
by dzienny
Thank you for the report. The bug is confirmed. It will be fixed.