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Whisper to hidden players

PostPosted: 04 Jul 2012, 15:08
by creativemagic
I've noticed you can't use /whisper to players who are hidden using /hide
For example:
Player A is hidden.
Player B is not hidden.
Player B wants to whisper something to player A and uses /whisper playerA
Player B then gets the message:
Auto-whisper is enabled. All messages will now be sent to player A

But when trying to type something while in the whisper mode you get the message:
Player "Player A" doesn't exist !

Alltho he is online but hidden.
Could the ability be added to chat with hidden players? Or maybe just the op's can whisper to each other whilst hidden?

Re: Whisper to hidden players

PostPosted: 16 Apr 2013, 17:02
by dzienny
It's currently possible for OP+ to whisper hidden players.