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How do I use CPE options? (I have attempt code)

PostPosted: 25 Feb 2014, 21:53
by Leeizazombie
I tried to make a test command:

using System;
using System.IO;
using MCDzienny.Cpe;

namespace MCDzienny
public class CmdWeather : Command
public override string name { get { return "weather"; } }
public override string shortcut { get { return ""; } }
public override string type { get { return "information"; } }
public override bool museumUsable { get { return true; } }
public override LevelPermission defaultRank { get { return LevelPermission.Guest; } }
byte sun = 0;
byte rain = 1;
byte snow = 2;
public override void Use(Player p, string message)

if (message == "sun")
p.Cpe.EnvWeatherType = 0;
if (message == "rain")
p.Cpe.EnvWeatherType = 1;
if (message == "snow")
p.Cpe.EnvWeatherType = 2;
Player.SendMessage(p, "Please enter a valid weather type. (sun, rain, snow)");


public override void Help(Player p)
Player.SendMessage(p, "/weather - Change your weather (CPE ONLY)");

I read to find out the byte's for the weather, but it doesn't effect the weather, what am I doing wrong?

Re: How do I use CPE options? (I have attempt code)

PostPosted: 26 Feb 2014, 10:31
by dzienny
I guess you know the answer by now. It's described in the KB document.