Full command list of 7.2.3

Full command list of 7.2.3

Postby Ultima » 19 Dec 2011, 15:51

These are all commands of MCDZienny software (version 7.2.3).

/abort - Cancels an action.
/about - Displays information about a block.
/afk <reason> - mark yourself as AFK. Use again to mark yourself as back.
/alive - Displays list of players that are still alive.

/award <give/take> [player] [award] - Gives [player] the [award]"
    - If no Give or Take is given, Give is used
    - [award] needs to be the full award's name. Not partial.
/awardmod <add/del> [award name] : [description]
    - Adds or deletes a reward with the name [award name]
    - "/awardmod add Bomb joy : Bomb lots of people" is an example.
/awards [player] - Gives a full list of awards
    - If [player] is specified, shows awards for that player
    - Use 1/2/3/... to get an ordered list
/ban <player> - Bans a player without kicking him.
    - Add # before name to stealth ban.
    - Add @ before name to total ban.
/banip [ip/name] - Bans an ip. Also accepts a player name when you use @ before the name.
/topten - Displays names of ten best players.

/bind <block> [type] - Replaces block with type.
    - /bind clear - Clears all binds.
/blocks - Lists all basic blocks
    - /blocks all - Lists all complex blocks
    - /blocks [basic block] - Lists all blocks which look the same
    - /blocks [complex block] - Lists specific information on block
    - /blocks <rank> - Lists all blocks <rank> can use
    - /blocks count <block> - Finds total count for <block> in map
/blockset [block] [rank] - Changes [block] rank to [rank]"
    - Only blocks you can use can be modified
/botadd <name> - Add a new bot at your position.
    - If a bot name is the same as a user(offline or online), the bot will get the same skin.
/botai <add/del> [AI name] <extra> - Adds or deletes [AI name]
    - Extras: walk, teleport, wait, nod, speed, spin, reset, remove, reverse, linkscript, jump
    - wait, nod and spin can have an extra '0.1 seconds' parameter
    - nod and spin can also take a 'third' speed parameter
    - speed sets a percentage of normal speed
    - linkscript takes a script name as parameter
/botremove <name> - Remove a bot on the same level as you
/bots - Shows a list of bots, their AIs and levels

/botset <bot> <AI script> - Makes <bot> do <AI script>
    - Special AI scripts: Kill / Hunt
/botsummon <name> - Summons a bot to your position
/buy - lets you buy stuff, e.g. /buy life, /buy water

/cpe - Admin super secret command.
    - Change players expirience
/clearblockchanges <map> - Clears the block changes stored in /about for <map>
/clearchat - Cleares the chat for everyone
/click [x y z] - Fakes a click
    - If no xyz is given, it uses the last place clicked
    - /click 200 y 200 will cause it to click at 200x, last y and 200z
/clones <name> - Finds everyone with the same IP has <name>
/cmdbind [command] [num] - Binds [command] to [num]
    - [num] must be between 0 and 9
    - Use with /[num] (example: /2)
    - Use /cmdbind [num] to see stored commands.
/cmdcreate <message> - Creates a dummy command class named Cmd<Message> from which you can make a new command.
/cmdload <command name> - Loads a command into the server for use.

/cmdset [cmd] [rank] - Changes [cmd] rank to [rank]
    - Only commands you can use can be modified
/cmdunload <command> - Unloads a command from the server

/codes - color codes, put % in front of the number or letter.
    - Example: %e yellow text %c red text
/color <color> - changes the nick color.
    - &0 = black, &1 = navy, &2 = green, &3 = teal, &4 = maroon, &5 = purple, &6 = gold, &7 = silver
    - See also /codes
/compile <class name> - Compiles a command class file into a DLL.

/copy - Copies the blocks in an area.
    - /copy cut - Copies the blocks in an area, then removes them.
    - /copy air - Copies the blocks in an area, including air.
    - /copy ignore <block1> <block2>.. - Ignores <blocks> when copying.
    - /copy @ - @ toggle for all the above, gives you a third click after copying that determines where to paste from.
/countdown [time] - Counts down time to the lava flood. [time] in minutes.
    - /countdown stop - Stops the countdown
/crashserver - Crash the server with a generic error

/ctf - Turns CTF mode on for the map. Must be enabled to play!
    - /ctf start - Starts the game!
    - /ctf stop - Stops the game.
    - /ctf ff - Enables or disables friendly fire. Default is off.
    - /ctf flag [color] - Sets the flag base for specified team.
    - /ctf spawn [color] - Adds a spawn for the team specified from where you are standing.
    - /ctf points [num] - Sets max round points. Default is 3.
    - /ctf team add [color] - Initializes team of specified color.
    - /ctf team remove [color] - Removes team of specified color.
    - /ctf clear - Removes all CTF data from map. Use sparingly.
/cuboid [type] <solid/hollow/walls/holes/wire/random> - Create a cuboid of blocks.
    - Solid = default
/delete - Deletes any block you click
    - any block meaning door_air, portals, mb's, etc..
/deletelvl [map name] - Completely deletes [map name] (portals, MBs, everything)
    - A backup of the map will be placed in the levels/deleted folder
/demote <name> - Demotes <name> down a rank
/dislike - you give a thumb down for a map you are currently in.
/drill [distance] - Drills a hole, destroying all similar blocks in a 3x3 rectangle ahead of you.
/drop - Drop the flag if you are carrying it. (see /cft)
/ellipsoid - draws hollow sphere.
/emote - Enables or disables emoticon parsing
/fakerank <name> <rank> - Sends a fake rank change message.

/farewell [message] - Gives you the custom message on disconnecting.
    - If no [message] is given, your farewell message is set to default.
/fetch [player] - fetches [player] forced!
    - Moves [player] to your Level first
    - /fetch all - fetches all players online
/fill [block] [type] - Fills the area specified with [block].
    - [type] can be: up, down, layer, layer_x, layer_z
/fixgrass <type> - Fixes grass based on type
    - <type> as empty: Any grass with something on top is made into dirt, dirt with nothing on top is made grass
    - <type> as "light": Only dirt/grass in sunlight becomes grass
    - <type> as "grass": Only turns grass to dirt when under stuff
    - <type> as "dirt": Only turns dirt with nothing on top to grass
/flipheads - Break all necks
    - Use again to fix all necks.
/fly - Allows you to fly

/follow <name> - Follows <name> until the command is cancelled
    - /follow # <name> - Will cause /hide not to be toggled
/score - Shows your best score and total experience.
    - /score all - Shows server score stats.
/freeze <name> - Stops <name> from moving until unfrozen.
    - Use again to unfreeze
/give [player] <amount> - Gives [player] <amount> money
/goto <mapname> - Teleports yourself to a different level.

/gun <type> - Allows you to fire bullets at people
    - <type> can be: explode, destroy, laser, tp

/hammer - Allows you to build faster
    - Needs to be bought
    - Also see /cuboid
/hasirc - Denotes whether or not the server has IRC active.
/heartbeat - Forces a pump for the MCDzienny heartbeat. DEBUG PURPOSES ONLY.
/help - ...really? Wow. Just...wow.
/hide - Makes yourself (in)visible to other players.

/highlight [player] [seconds] - Highlights blocks modified by [player] in the last [seconds]
    - /highlight [player] 0 - Will highlight 30 minutes
    - /highlight cannot be disabled, you must use /reveal to un-highlight
/imageprint <switch> <localfile> - Print local file in extra/images/ folder. Must be type .bmp, type filename without extension.
    - /imageprint <switch> <imgurfile.extension> - Print IMGUR stored file. Example: /i piCCm.gif will print http://www.imgur.com/piCCm.gif. Case-sensitive
    - /imageprint <switch> <webfile> - Print web file in format domain.com/folder/image.jpg. Does not need http:// or www.
    - Available switches: 2-Layer Color image, 1-Layer Color Image, 2-Layer Grayscale, 1-Layer Grayscale, Black and White, Mathematical Grayscale
    - Local filetypes: .bmp. Remote Filetypes: .gif .png .jpg .bmp. PNG and GIF may use transparency
/impersonate <player> <message> - Sends a message as if it came from <player>

/import [.dat file] - Imports the .dat file given
    - .dat files should be located in the /extra/import/ folder
/inbox - Displays all your messages.
    - /inbox [num] - Displays the message at [num]
    - /inbox <del> [\"all\"/num] - Deletes the message at Num or All if \"all\" is given.
/infection - starts the infection game mode.
    - /infection [time] - starts the infection that will last [time] minutes.
    - /infection stop - stops the infection.
/info - Displays the server information.

/invincible [name] - Turns invincible mode on/off.
    - If [name] is given, that player's invincibility is toggled
/items - shows your possesions.

/jail [user] - Places [user] in jail unable to use commands.
    - /jail [create] - Creates the jail point for the map.

/joker <name> - Causes a player to become a joker!"
    - /joker # <name> - Makes the player a joker silently
/kick <player> [message] - Kicks a player.
    - If [message] is empty, [message] becomes "got kicked by [name]".
/kickban <player> [message] - Kicks and bans a player with an optional message.

/kill <name> [explode] <message>
    - Kills <name> with <message>. Causes explosion if [explode] is written
/last [user] - Shows last command used by [user]
    - /last by itself will show all last commands (SPAMMY)
/lavaportal [orange/blue/air/water/lava] [multi] - Activates Portal mode.
    - /lavaportal [type] multi - Place Entry blocks until exit is wanted.
    - /lavaportal show - Shows portals, green = in, red = out.
/levels - Lists all loaded levels and their physics levels
/like - you give the thumbs up to the map you are currently in.

/limit <type> <amount> - Sets the limit for <type>
    - <type> can be: RP, RPNormal
/line [num] <block> [extra] - Creates a line between two blocks [num] long.
    - [extras] can be: wall
/lives - Displays how many lives you have.
/load <level> - Loads a level.
/loadlavamap <map name> - Loads a lava map that is located in 'lava/maps/' directory.
/loadzombiemap <map name> - Loads a zombie map that is located in 'infection/maps/' directory.
/lowlag - Turns lowlag mode on or off (player positions will update every 10 seconds)

/make [player] [command] <parameter of command> - Make another user use a command
    - Example: /make player1 tp player2
/map [level] [toggle] - Sets [toggle] on [map]
    - Possible toggles: theme, finite, ai, edge, ps, overload, motd, death, fall, drown, unload, rp, instant, killer, chat
    - "Edge" will cause edge water to flow.
    - "Grass" will make grass not grow without physics
    - "Finite" will cause all liquids to be finite.
    - "AI" will make animals hunt or flee.
    - "PS" will set the map's physics speed.");
    - "Overload" will change how easy/hard it is to kill physics.
    - "MOTD" will set a custom motd for the map. (leave blank to reset)
    - "Death" will allow survival-style dying (falling, drowning)
    - "Fall/drown" set the distance/time before dying from each.
    - "Killer" turns killer blocks on and off.
    - "Unload" sets whether the map unloads when no one's there.
    - "RP" sets whether the physics auto-start for the map
    - "Instant" mode works by not updating everyone's screens
    - "Chat" sets the map to recieve no messages from other maps
/mapinfo <map> - Display details of <map>

/me [message] - say something u gonna do
    - *player is playing minecraft
/measure <ignore> - Measures all the blocks between two points
    - /measure [ignore] - Enter a block to ignore them
/megaboid [type] <solid/hollow/walls/holes> - create a cuboid of blocks but then very slow.

/mb [block] [message] - Places a message in your next block.
    - Valid blocks: white, black, air, water, lava
    - /mb show shows or hides MBs
/missile <type> - Allows you to fire missiles at people
    - <type> can be: explode, destroy
    - Differs from /gun in that the missile is guided
/mode [block] - Makes every block placed into [block]
    - /[block] also works
/moderate - Toggles chat moderation status. When enabled, only voiced players may speak

/move <player> <map> <x> <y> <z> - Move <player>
    - <map> must be blank if x, y or z is used and vice versa
/moveall [map] - moves all players on the server to the pointed map.
    - /moveall [map1] [map2] - moves all players that are on the map1 to the map2.
/museum <map> <restore> - Allows you to access a restore of the map entered.
/mute <player> - Mutes or unmutes the player

/newlvl [map name] [x] [y] [z] [type]- creates a new level.
    - Example: /newlvl mapname 128 64 128 island
    - Valid types: island, mountains, forest, ocean, flat, pixel, desert
/opchat - Makes all messages sent go to OPs by default
/outline [block] [block2] - Outlines [block] with [block2]
/paint - Turns painting mode on/off.

/paste - Pastes the stored copy.
    - BEWARE: The blocks will always be pasted in a set direction
/pause - pauses physics
/pay [player] <amount> - Pays <amount> of money to [player]
/pcount - Displays the number of players online, total and banned.
/PerBuild <map> <rank> - Sets build permission for a map.
/PerVisit <map> <rank> - Sets visiting permission for a map.

/physics [map] <0/1/2/3/4> - Set the [map]'s physics
    - 0 = Off
    - 1 = On
    - 2 = Advanced
    - 3 = Hardcore
    - 4 = Instant
/pillareraser - hit the pillar you want to remove.
/ping - Ping your connection speed.
/players - Shows name and general rank of all players online
/money - Displays the amount of money you have.

/portal [orange/blue/air/water/lava] [multi] - Activates Portal mode.
    - /portal [type] multi - Place Entry blocks until exit is wanted.
    - /portal show - Shows portals, green = in, red = out.
/position - Displays information about your position that are important for scoring points in lava survival.

/possess <player> [skin as #] - DEMONIC POSSESSION HUE HUE
    - Using # after player name makes possessed keep their custom skin during possession.
    - Not using it makes them lose their skin, and makes their name show as Player (YourName)
/promote <name> - Promotes <name> up a rank
/rainbow - Transforms everything between 2 blocks into rainbow colours
/rankmsg [rank] [message] - sends to all players that have a certain [rank] a [message].
/rankup - Promote player to next rank
/redo - Redoes the Undo you just performed.

/reflection - place two blocks to draw the line of reflection.
    - /reflection cross - place three blocks, two to determine the direction of the first line and the third to set the crossing line.
    - /reflection [show/hide] - shows or hides the line.
    - /reflection [even/odd] - switches between odd/even mode.
    - /reflection abort - stops mirroring blocks and hides the line.
    - /reflection restore - restores the most recent line/lines.

/repeat - Repeats the last used command
/replace [type] [type2] - replace type with type2 inside a selected cuboid
/replaceall [block1] [block2] <map> - Replaces all of [block1] with [block2] in current map if <map> is empty
/replacenot [type] [type2] - replace everything but the type with type2 inside a selected cuboid
/reset - resets experience for all players, YOU CANT UNDO THIS!
/resetbot - reloads the IRCBot. FOR EMERGENCIES ONLY!
/restart - Restarts the server! Use carefully!

/restartphysics ([type] [num]) ([type2] [num2]) (...) - Restarts every physics block in an area
    - [type] will set custom physics for selected blocks
    - Possible [types]: drop, explode, dissipate, finite, wait, rainbow, revert
/restore <number> - restores a previous backup of the current map
/results - show the rating of the map.

/retrieve <filename> - Retrieves saved copy file to your copy buffer. /paste to place it!
    - /retrieve info <filename> - Gets information about the saved file.
    - /retrieve find - Prints a list of all saved copies.
    - /retrieve find <1/2/3/..> - Shows a compact list.
    - /retrieve find <name> - Prints a list of all saved copies made by player <name>.
/reveal <name> - Reveals the map for <name>.
    - /reveal all - Reveals for all in the map, will reload the map for anyone. (incl. banned)
/ride - Rides a nearby train
/roll [min] [max] - Rolls a random number between [min] and [max].
/rules [player]- Displays server rules to a player

/save - Saves the level you are currently in
    - /save all - Saves all loaded levels.
    - /save <map> - Saves the specified map.
    - /save <map> <name> - Backups the map with a given restore name
/savelavamap - Saves the level you are currently in.
    - /savelavamap <map> - Saves the specified map.
    - /savelavamap <map> <name> - Saves lava map under given name.
/say - broadcasts a global message to everyone in the server.
/score - Shows your best score and total experience.
/send [name] <message> - Sends <message> to [name].
/serverreport - Get server CPU%, RAM usage, and uptime.

/color [player] <color>- Changes the nick color.
    - if <color> is empty, color will be removed.
    - See also /codes
/setlava <next/map/state/reloadmaps/reloadtexts/reloadprices/up/protection/speedtest/water>
    - /setlava map [map name] - goes to chosen map.
    - /setlava map next - goes to next map.
    - /setlava state [lava state] - sets lava to chosen state.
    - /setlava reloadmaps - reloads list of lava maps.
    - /setlava reloadtexts - reloads textdata.
    - /setlava reloadprices - reloads list of store items.
    - /setlava up - Now the lava goes up as well
    - /setlava protection - toggle overload protection
    - /setlava speedtest - Connection speedtest.
    - /setlava water - toggle between lava and water round
/setrank [player] [rank] <message> - Sets or returns a players rank.
/setspawn - Set the default spawn location.

/title <player> [title] - Gives <player> the title [title].
    - If no [title] is given, the player's title is removed.
/setzombie - This command is removed.
/shutdown - shutdowns the server
/slap <name> - Slaps <name>, knocking them into the air or roof.
/spawn - Teleports yourself to the spawn location.

/spheroid [type] <vertical> - Create a spheroid of blocks.
    - If <vertical> is added, it will be a vertical tube
/spin <90/180/mirror/upsidedown> - Spins the copied object.
/stairs - Creates a spiral staircase the height you want.

/static [command] - Makes every command a toggle.
    - If [command] is given, then that command is used
/store - shows you the list of the stuff available.
/summon <player/all> - Summons a player or everyone to your position
/summonspawn - Summons all the players that are close to spawn.
/take [player] <amount> - Takes <amount> of money from [player]

/tcolor <player> [color] - Gives <player> the title color of [color].
    - If no [color] is specified, title color is removed.
    - See also /codes
/team join [color] - Joins the team specified by the color. (see also /CTF)
    - /team leave - Leaves the team you are on.
    - /team set [name] [color] - Op+ - Sets a player to a specified team.
    - /team set [name] none - Op+ - Removes a player from a team.
    - /team scores - Shows the current scores for all teams.
/tempban <name> <minutes> - Bans <name> for <minutes>
    - Max time is 60. If <minutes> is empty, user is tempbanned for 30 minutes
    - Temp bans will reset on server restart
/text [file] [rank] [message] - Makes a view-able text
    - The [rank] entered is the minimum rank to view the file
    - The [message] is entered into the text file
    - If the file already exists, text will be added to the end
/time - Shows times and lava mood.
/tmessage [time] [message] - show your message continuously every [time] seconds.

/timeleft [time] - Counts down time to the end lava flood round. [time] in minutes
    - /timeleft stop - Stops the countdown
/timer [time] [message] - Starts a timer which repeats [message] every 5 seconds.
    - Repeats constantly until [time] has passed
/tips - Displays the text in text/tips.txt

/title <title> - Gives you the [title].
    - If no <title> is given, your title is removed.
/titlecolor <color> - gives you the title color of <color>.
    - If no <color> is given, your title color is removed.
/tnt <small/big> - Creates exploding TNT (with Physics 3).
    - Big TNT is reserved for OP+.
/topten - Displays names of ten best players.

/tp <player> - Teleports yourself to a player.
    - If <player> is blank, /spawn is used.
/tpzone <id> - Teleports to the zone with ID equal to <id>
    - /tpzone list - Lists all zones
/tree <fern/cactus> - Turns tree mode on or off
/trust <name> - Turns off the anti-grief for <name>
/unban <player> - Unbans a player. This includes temporary bans.
/unbanip <ip> - Un-bans an ip. Also accepts a player name when you use @ before the name.");

/undo [player] [seconds] - Undoes the blockchanges made by [player] in the previous [seconds].
    - /undo [player] all - &cWill undo 138 hours for [player] <SuperOP+>
    - /undo [player] 0 - &cWill undo 30 minutes <Operator+>
    - /undo physics [seconds] - Undoes the physics for the current map
/unload [level] - Unloads a level.
/unloaded - Lists all unloaded levels.
/update - Updates the server if it's out of date

/view [file] [player] - Views [file]'s contents
    - /view by itself will list all files you can view
    - If [player] is give, that player is shown the file
/viewranks [rank] - Shows all users who have [rank]
/voice <name> - Toggles voice status on or off for specified player.
/vote <message> - Calls a 30sec vote.
/voteban [player] <reason> - Calls a 30sec vote to tempban <player>
/votekick [player] <reason> - Calls a 30sec vote on kicking <player>.

/welcome [message] - Gives you the custom message on joining server.
    - If no [message] is given, your welcome message is set to default
/whisper <name> - Makes all messages act like whispers
/whitelist <add/del/list> [player] - Handles whitelist entry for [player], or lists all entries.
/whoip <ip address> - Displays players associated with a given IP address.
/whois [player] - Displays information about someone.
/whowas <name> - Displays information about someone who left.
/write [message] - Writes [message] in blocks
/xban [name] <reason> - undo [name] all + banip + ban + kick

/zone [add] [name] - Creates a zone only [name] can build in
    - /zone [add] [rank] - Creates a zone only [rank]+ can build in
    - /zone del - Deletes the zone clicked
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Re: Full command list of 7.2.3

Postby Ultima » 19 Dec 2011, 16:02

/rankmsg [rank] [message] - Sends a message to players that have a certain rank,
/voteabort - Abort current vote

/tempmute [player] - mutes [player] for 60 seconds.
    - /tempmute [player] [time] - mutes [player] for [time] seconds.
    - /tempmute [player] [reason] - mutes [player] due to [reason] for 60 seconds.
    - /tempmute [player] [time] [reason]
/8ball [question] - ask for advice.
    - /8ball #[question] - gives only yes or no answer.
/renamelvl <level> <new name> - Renames <level> to <new name>
    - Portals going to <level> will be lost

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Re: Full command list of 7.2.3

Postby Ultima » 20 Dec 2011, 09:27

Why is /impersonate in the program but doesn't it work?
Same with a few other commands like /fakerank :cry:
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Re: Full command list of 7.2.3

Postby HelloWorldCool » 21 Dec 2011, 01:15

/impersonate -fixed in 7.2.4
Download fCraft maps! - viewtopic.php?f=25&t=3012!

Note: The Developer(s) of MCDzienny have resigned and the software is no longer supported.
Errors are bound to occur and Mojang has not attempted to resolve them.
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Re: Full command list of 7.2.3

Postby Ultima » 05 Jan 2012, 21:42

/review added in 7.3

/review - places you on review list
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Re: Full command list of 7.2.3

Postby PlatinumKiller » 11 Feb 2012, 10:16

:) Codes.. my first every command i made in my life.. Was a proud moment for me
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