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Height limit / wordfilter

PostPosted: 20 Aug 2011, 00:00
by Ultima

Is there a way/command to prevent players to get on the roof or make one?

I read something about Nova gas but cant find anything about it.

A solution is a big roof with only adminblocks but i dont like that.

Also, is there a plan for a wordfilter? alot of people keep cursing and saying foul language..
cant this easly be made by checking if the word is in a file, if so replace it with ***?

(Dont know C++ , only PHP and some other languages.. :P)

Re: Height limit / wordfilter

PostPosted: 20 Aug 2011, 11:04
by g0d01w4r99
Try using "/zone add operator" on the topmost layer of the map. That will prevent anyone from building up top, but will also allow lava to flood it.
As for the wordfilter, MCDzienny is written in C#. As far as I'm aware, theres no plan for a wordfilter whatsoever.

Re: Height limit / wordfilter

PostPosted: 21 Aug 2011, 05:52
by PlatinumKiller
Do you know english :D! bada ba

Re: Height limit / wordfilter

PostPosted: 21 Aug 2011, 10:00
by g0d01w4r99
Haha good one xD

Re: Height limit / wordfilter

PostPosted: 21 Aug 2011, 10:40
by Ultima
Thanks god01,
i wil try that ^^

btw, in that multi map (forgot who made it) there is a water passage and everyone is building in it ;)
author should fix that ^.^

Re: Height limit / wordfilter

PostPosted: 21 Aug 2011, 15:28
by PlatinumKiller
Author is SuperSpy, you can just take it out of the maps.txt and /load multi then just add zones on the 4 sides and then save it, don't be fooled by the error, then just put it in maps.txt