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List of commands

PostPosted: 24 Jan 2011, 22:04
by dzienny
/alive - list of players alive
/lives - how many lives you currently have
/look - you look at yourself, you can also use /look [name]
/score - shows your best score
/money - shows amount of money you have
/afk - set your status to away from keyboard. Also /afk [reason]
/me - just check this out
/tips - shows tips
/spawn - spawns you at the start point.
/who or /players - displays players currently playing.
/tp [name] - teleports you to the player. Only ghosts can use this.
/water - now you are placing water. /a or /water to stop. You have 10 blocks of water each round.
/topten - shows ten players with the highest total score.
/bestscores (/bs) - displays ten round best scores.

--new commands--

/store - shows you list of items you can buy.
/buy - use it to buy stuff e.g. /buy life, /buy waters.
/items - list of items you currently possess.
/hammer - place two blocks and the space between them will be filled. You have to buy it first.

Re: List of commands

PostPosted: 25 Jun 2011, 19:24
by PlatinumKiller
Can you change prices in /shop (/store)?