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ZS, LS & More CORE Command - GG & BG

PostPosted: 18 Jun 2014, 20:36
by Kill_Bot_UkzZz
Here are the core commands for GG and BG, which mean GoodGame and Badgame, the last update 1.0.3 went a bit wrong so I have reposted the new updated with a much more clearer code, that has been tested and fully works, here is how to add the command if you don't already know:

    1. Copy the GG/BG code below.
    2. Go to your MCDzienny server folder, then locate "Commands".
    3. Then go to "Extra", then "Source".
    4. Then in their create a file called Cmd(Badgame/Goodgame).cs without the brackets.
    5. Then on your console use /compile Cmd(Badgame/Goodgame) then type /cmdload Cmd(BadGame/Goodgame).
    6. Then you are done, and ready to use the command.

GoodGame Code: (/goodgame or /gg)

ZS, LS & More CORE Command - GG & BG (Update 1.0.4)

PostPosted: 18 Jun 2014, 20:39
by Kill_Bot_UkzZz
Here are the core commands for GG and BG, which mean GoodGame and Badgame, the last update 1.0.3 went a bit wrong so I have reposted the new updated with a much more clearer code, that has been tested and fully works, here is how to add the command if you don't already know:

    1. Copy the GG/BG code below.
    2. Go to your MCDzienny server folder, then locate "Commands".
    3. Then go to "Extra", then "Source".
    4. Then in their create a file called Cmd(Badgame/Goodgame).cs without the brackets.
    5. Then on your console use /compile Cmd(Badgame/Goodgame) then type /cmdload Cmd(BadGame/Goodgame).
    6. Then you are done, and ready to use the command.

GoodGame Code: (/goodgame or /gg)

BadGame Code: (/badgame or /bg)

All codes made by Kill_Bot_UkzZz

Re: ZS, LS & More CORE Command - GG & BG (Update 1.0.4)

PostPosted: 18 Jun 2014, 21:07
by _Retaliate_
sigh, do you seriously plan to update this again? there isn't much to update.

Re: ZS, LS & More CORE Command - GG & BG (Update 1.0.4)

PostPosted: 18 Jun 2014, 21:23
All you're really doing is changing the message.

Re: ZS, LS & More CORE Command - GG & BG

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2014, 17:08
by HelloWorldCool
This is just like /dislike and /like command right?

I mean no offense but seriously I think badgame and goodname are not going to be great shortcut aliases. Even if you came up with /<3 and /x. I think that would be better, or at least more simple.

Re: ZS, LS & More CORE Command - GG & BG

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2014, 18:03
by Kill_Bot_UkzZz
OK, what I mean about this command being a core one is because it should really be a core command because it can be useful on Lava Survival, Zombie Survival, Mini Games Etc... Plus it is basically easier to type /gg or /bg and to have a short/fancy message come up that you can customize, plus by just saying gg, new players might not known what this means, anyway, if you don't like the command, don't add it, don't complain.

Re: ZS, LS & More CORE Command - GG & BG

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2014, 19:06
by HelloWorldCool
Kill_Bot_UkzZz wrote:OK, what I mean about this command being a core one is because it should really be a core command because it can be useful on Lava Survival, Zombie Survival, Mini Games Etc... Plus it is basically easier to type /gg or /bg and to have a short/fancy message come up that you can customize, plus by just saying gg, new players might not known what this means, anyway, if you don't like the command, don't add it, don't complain.

Hi Kill_Bot_UkzZz,

Hmm, I think you are trying to reference commands from beta(hunger games). As much as the two little letters are used in beta there is no command for that; therefore in classic, I think it's best to leave it at that as well.

GG and BG are just sayings used by people when they are honoring other players for the effort they made whilst in battle. You can't change the meaning; it'll make the fans mad. :|

I respect the fact that you want this idea added; I just want to tell you it is not likely.