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Request Auto-Rank System V2 (Zombie Survival)

PostPosted: 24 Mar 2014, 18:00
by Leeizazombie
Hello, I am willing to take requests for people who want an Auto Ranking system command. I just need some information first and also to point out some notes.

Template for request:

Code: Select all
Rank : Level
Rank : Level
Rank : Level
Rank : Level

Example: survivor : 10
^ That means that when the player reaches level 10, he/she will be ranked to "survivor".

# If you have experience in coding, you can use the code I have at the end of the topic.
# If you change the ranks in your server while having Auto Rank, it will not function properly, you must remove it then request another.
# The command will have to be activated after every start up, so if you restart, you must use /autosystem enable again.

Code for people who know what they're doing:

Re: Request Auto-Rank System V1 (Zombie Survival)

PostPosted: 24 Mar 2014, 22:37
by HelloWorldCool
Leeizazombie wrote:...
Code for people who know what they're doing:

Sidenote: In my opinion, the stats check should be much longer than 10 seconds(no offense to you Leeizazombie). To give an approximation, the time should be between 4 and 12 minutes. If you have a small server(10-15 players), your number should be closer to 4 minutes, and if your server is large(45-50 players), your number should be closer to 12 minutes.

Here are my recommendations on a chart to help people out:

Num. of Players = ?min= ?millisecs
10 = 4= 240000
15 = 5= 300000
20 = 6= 360000
25 = 7= 420000
30 = 8= 480000
35 = 9= 540000
40 = 10= 600000
45 = 11= 660000
50 = 12= 720000

Re: Request Auto-Rank System V1 (Zombie Survival)

PostPosted: 24 Mar 2014, 23:23
by Leeizazombie
But players will be disappointed to wait for their ranked, as I've already notice with 10 seconds :lol:
I shall create a timer instead of using Thread.Sleep, those ms's will be handy to me, thanks. Maybe I can make it an optional setting to alter the refresh rate hmm? :idea:

Re: Request Auto-Rank System V2 (Zombie Survival)

PostPosted: 26 Mar 2014, 03:38
by Leeizazombie
I've added the Timer, it's now much reliable while refreshing every 5 seconds, this will guarantee no extreme usage of CPU.

Re: Request Auto-Rank System V2 (Zombie Survival)

PostPosted: 27 Mar 2014, 23:47
by HelloWorldCool
Leeizazombie wrote:I've added the Timer, it's now much reliable while refreshing every 5 seconds, this will guarantee no extreme usage of CPU.

Hmm...possibly better, because not many other commands use the timer feature yet. But still I don't recommend 5 seconds...make it 20 seconds least(4x per min = a lot of work :twisted:).

The timer's ms compared to the round's ms cannot exceed 25%...or bad things can happen!

Timer: 5000 ms - (5 sec)
Round time: 20,000 ms - (20 sec)

Anyway, we'll need some people to test out your command. <ok>

Re: Request Auto-Rank System V2 (Zombie Survival)

PostPosted: 07 May 2014, 04:47
by asdfmovie2121
Lee can you make me a auto-rank system?? Heres my ranks and the levels I want them to be

Re: Request Auto-Rank System V2 (Zombie Survival)

PostPosted: 07 May 2014, 06:14
by _Retaliate_
Lee, you should really make it read from a config file. It would be so much easier than having people request the new command each time. I know how to do this, but there's no fun in it if I just tell you how to do it. :lol:
Hint: string.Split();

Re: Request Auto-Rank System V2 (Zombie Survival)

PostPosted: 07 May 2014, 18:13
by Leeizazombie
asdfmovie2121 wrote:Lee can you make me a auto-rank system?? Heres my ranks and the levels I want them to be

Here you go:

One problem, I can't tell what the players start level is on your server, you never mentioned.
Like what rank they are as level 1.
I assumed it was "guest", if it isn't please let me know or look in the code and change it!

Enjoy! <ok>

Re: Request Auto-Rank System V2 (Zombie Survival)

PostPosted: 12 May 2014, 22:08
by asdfmovie2121
These are all the ranks