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Error compiling Custom Command

PostPosted: 20 May 2014, 13:06
by Messoras
Hello it's me again,
I just tried to add some custom commands to my server, but when I tried to compile them, my console told me:
(13:41:45) Compilation error. Please check logs/compiler/errors.txt for more information.

I looked into the compiler errorlog and found this:


Error #CS0006
Message: Die Metadatendatei "SuperWebSocket.dll" konnte nicht gefunden werden.
Line: 0


Error #CS0006
Message: Die Metadatendatei "SuperSocket.SocketBase.dll" konnte nicht gefunden werden.

(German for "The Metafile ... could not be found.")
Line: 0

Socket sounds like something in the motherboard...
Does anyone know this bug?